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Robert De Merode

669 Posts
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Person Of The Week
Answers to all your Internet questions!
9/3/2008 2:03:47 PM

Don't you just hate it when you buy a product, and it ends up not even answering the question you had? Your out $$$ and have more questions you had in the first place!

An incredible new IM community site just went live today that is going to fix this problem! Any question you have about Internet Marketing can now be answered at no-cost to you! You can even get free traffic to your websites for answering other members questions!
It's incredible! Go signup here:

yours friendly,

P.S. This will not cost you anything
at all and will answer any Internet
Marketing question you ever had! Plus:
You can get free traffic from this
site! It's a win-win-win!

Robert De Merode

669 Posts
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Person Of The Week
Re: Answers to all your Internet questions!
9/4/2008 5:55:26 AM

If you wish to know, to investigate, to find some help

about anything to do with internet things such as how-to’s

or about a company or guru’s reputation, this is the place to be.

It is FREE and all you need to do is to spell out your question

It even gets better than that, you may answer questions about subjects

You personally know about, Why would you do that? Simply because

The community is growing at a speed of bewildering proportions, you

Get credit for your knowledgeable answers and it all boosts your Website’s

Ranking and visits. One rule, no spamming or childish misbehavior.


Helping others is the gateway to being a leader.


To your success



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