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Pauline Raina

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BFA nominations for SEPT 2008
8/5/2008 12:22:27 AM

Hello everyone,

Please take time to nominate your forum or a friends forum too.

Nominations begin now for September 2008, and end 11th August.

Before we move on with nominations we wish to specify the following, as we see many members are confused as to the procedure of this event.

Nick Sym

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Re: BFA nominations for SEPT 2008
8/5/2008 12:58:09 AM
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Sarah Pritchard

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Re: BFA nominations for SEPT 2008
8/5/2008 5:22:16 AM
Bonjour Pauline and Joe!

I'd like to nominate Gerri Decher's Healing Vibrations:

Gerri has put together a forum full of useful and interesting info.

"This forum is an opportunity to re-evaluate our experiences of Health and Healing so far. An opportunity to take a closer look at what this all means to us. What is it we want to share with others and how best we can achieve this?

Offer some ideas and give space for discussion; it is a bridge to yourself and to others. A turning around, to look at where we have been…..A step on our journey of self discovery, to share with others."

Angel cuddles,


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Peter Fogel

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Re: BFA nominations for SEPT 2008
8/5/2008 6:11:06 AM

Hi Pauline,

I'd like to nominate AnaMaria Padurean's forum Romania.

I gladly second Geri Descher"s forum Vibrations.



Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Re: BFA nominations for SEPT 2008
8/5/2008 4:34:49 PM

Pauline and Joe,

I would like to nominate Carla Carey's forum

Adland Prayer Cell


And, I second Anamaria's "Romania".

Have a wonderful 'hot' evening (100 in our area!!).



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