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Michael Derowin

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Something Different For Michael
9/1/2008 3:52:01 PM

A New Start


Moving day is always a pleasure for me as it

is like beginning a new part of life

Getting ready packing up everything

in the home piece by piece


Always finding things we have forgotten

we had even purchased or owned

Starting in one room and then moving on

to another after finishing enough


Each room is never finished until the night

before as there is things you need

In every room there are different parts of

the growing in this part of your life


Begin getting all together for this big day

no matter what is said or done

Everything is almost ready to start to put

on the truck to get on the way


Having Church members helping to put

things in order and fill the boxes

They move so fast I can not tell them where

everything goes in the new house


Pleased and grateful they are helping even

tho I do not belong to their Church

Ask of my memories of the home that

I am moving away from


The memories I have are some good and

some bad as my health had turned

I had begun to fall up and down the stairs

forward or backward without a care


Not judging of my condition but very

curious of what was wrong inside

Opening my Heart I told them what was

wrong and the disease I have


There was five that had started helping

in the old residence I lived

More than happy to lend a hand to someone

who appreciated and understood


I had more knowledge of their faith than

they had even begun to imagine

From the very beginning we had respect for

each other not pushing any faith


Talking of the gift I had been given by God

to help others deal with their pain

The Healing touch of ones hands are given

to many in the World it is called Reiki


This gift is among many that have been

given to some of us in this World

Becoming a believer in what can be done is

really not hard when God is with you


Written by

Michael Derowin


Nick Sym

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Re: Something Different For Michael
9/1/2008 4:06:03 PM
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Thomas Richmond

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Re: Something Different For Michael
9/1/2008 4:32:08 PM
Dear Michael thank you for your poem, i must say its very moving lol. In the church i attend in we move our members to where ever they want to go, on a mission team perhaps? being helpful and serving sometimes our singles do get married and so coming from a small household to moving into a house of your own you accumulate stuff than first originally thought when you first moved into a household. Thank you my friend :) Enjoy your day , God_bless you and your family. Thomas
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Jen Maxwell

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Re: Something Different For Michael
9/1/2008 4:34:33 PM
Hello Michael,

You're a star in God's sky!

Your good friend,

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Kevin Doolittle

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Re: Something Different For Michael
9/1/2008 5:12:28 PM
Hello Michael,

Thank you for sharing yourself with us. I hope your move goes smoothly. Been there done that.



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