8/29/2008 11:05:49 AM
Welcome on Clickin' me!
Our site Clickin' me offers you an unique possibility to earn money on the internet. You just need an internet acces, AlertPay account and a few minutes time each day. The only thing you have to do is view ads in our View ads section.
Each view lasts 20 seconds and you will get 1.00 cent for it. You will get paid for the same ad only each 12 hours (not each 24 hours, like on other PTC's). Our advertisers want you not just to see, but to remember their ads.
The minimum payout is $ 1,99 and are processed through the payment system AlertPay!
After signing up, you will get your Clickin' me referral link. If somebody signs up through it, you will get 0.50 cents for each his click. Your earnings possibilities are unlimited!
Click › Surf › (Invest) › Make (BIG) Money!
Do you want to earn a lot, but you don't know how to get referrals? Buy them from us! Everybody, who signs up on Clickin' me without an referrer is for sale! So you can buy them and just sit down and watch them earning for you!
If you are afraid, if the bought referrals will click, you can try out our "Test Referrals"! For a small fee, you can buy referrals for 48 hours. If you will like them, you can buy them then for ever!
We also offer a premium membership! With this membership, you will get a lot of advantages, you can click on premium ads and we guarantee you, you will have the possibility to click at least on 40 ads each day! And the next great thing is, that with premium membership each ad refreshes not each 12, but each 8 hours! Also you don't have to view each ad 20 seconds, but only 15 and for each referral click you will get 1.00 cent and for each your click you will get 1.50 cent!
Why will you not only like us, but you will love us?
The timer lasts only 20 / 15 seconds!
You don't have to watch the ads for 30 seconds, like on other sites, but just 20 seconds if you're an standard member. But if you're a premium, you have to view each ad only 15 seconds!
Ads refresh each 12 / 8 hours!
With us, you don't have to wait 24 hours to get paid for the same ad. With standard membership you can click each 12 hours on the same ad, so twice a day! And with premium membership you can click each 8 hours, so three times a day! This is because our advertisers don't want you just to see their ads and forget them after 20 / 15 seconds, they want you to watch their websites as often as possible to get interested in them and remember them! In the marketing language, this technique is called "Brand Building".
Referrals and Premium membership Try Outs!
Do you want to invest, but you're afraid about losing your money? You've got the possibility to buy a referral or premium try out! For a small fee you can buy referrals for only 48 hours and you can each time decide, if you want them for ever or not. We offer the same service for premium membership. If you won't like our referrals or premium after 2 days, you just won't pay!
Really low payout minimum and Really fast payouts!
You can request a payment each time you have in your account balance at least 1.99$. Our payouts team works each bussines day between 07 and 10 AM (GTM). Your purchased services, like premiums and referrals will be added each bussines day between 09 and 12 AM (GTM). All payments are processed through the payment system AlertPay!