
Get your own search engine
8/28/2008 8:13:50 PM

Having your own niche search engine means you can tap into a huge, pre-existing demand (a third of all searches on Google and Yahoo, are people related). Common sense should tell you that it's a whole lot easier to make money by catering to an existing need, than cold-calling, closing sales, or recruiting people for a downline!  Of course, the gurus hawking those kinds of products WON'T tell you that, because they are catering to a different need: Your desire to make money!  Don't fall for it.

It works like any other search engine: People enter keywords and get free results.  But here's the difference: Every time users get results, you get affiliate commissions!  Imagine having a search engine where you get paid every time users get results!  There's no big secret about the affiliate products themselves - they're promoted by many affiliates.  What's unique is the TECHNIQUE our search engine uses to generate HUGE profits.

If you are interested in having you own search engine click here

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