Hi Nick, thank you again for your lovely poetry. I am pleased that your friend is a breast cancer survivor.
As a woman and an alternative health practitioner I would like to offer a different view if I may, I personally do not and will not support Breast Cancer or any other cancer research
Why you may ask? Why when so many years have gone by and so much money has been raised has there not been a 'cure' found for Breast Cancer? or in many instances any other cancer, and why when equally as many men suffer from Prostrate Cancer is there not the same awareness or moneyraising efforts for them.
Mainly I belive it is the Breasts are seen as a nurturing factor and much more 'desirable' than a small unseen gland in a male, which kills so many men.
There is enormous comment on the fact that mammograms are not beneficial in diagnosing breast cancer in many instances and that they may well cause more damage than prevent harm.
I have worked with 'cancer' sufferers for years, many of whom have been given 'life sentences' and 'scare' tactics to have their breasts removed in radical proceedures, and are not only railroaded into radical treatments but who are also not given the options of making informed choices in their own treatment.
Why do women get breast cancer? In most instances it is easily explained, and can be reveresed without surgery, toxic chemicals and the like.
Mike Adams of Newstarget.com has a fount of information on the ongoing Breast Cancer saga which is well worth reading. www.newstarget.com
You might be surprised to find that some of the big names in the pharmaceutical companies are the ones who head the Cancer reserch organisations, surely it would be financial suicide to find a 'cure' for some thing which has such a huge financial benefit to your company.
If we look at the word 'cure', I believe the only thing that you cure is a Ham, the human body is a self healing mechanism, it has an innate intelligence given the correct instructions and the correct energies it can and will repair itself.
Am I some 'quack', No, I am a respected practitioner, who suffered ill health for almost all of my life, despite growing up in a western medical family. I turned to alternatives to find health and wellness for myself and my family, and depite a 'death sentence' some twelve years ago from the medical profession, I not only survived, I also walked again when I was told I never would, and I am fitter and healthier now than I have ever been in my life.
If you wish to know more about me and my story, there is more information on
www.soundsfromsource.com www.absolutehealthandwellness.com
Peace Love and Light
Sheila Kennedy-Robinson