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8/14/2008 9:51:02 AM
CASH GIFTING, HOW DOES CASH GIFTING WORK- Cash gifting is a concept embraced by private groups of individuals where all individuals involved share using a basic concept of - the Universal Law of Sowing and Reaping - "when you give, you shall receive." "Give and it shall be given unto you." This activity should be offered only by means of an exclusive one-to-one invitation. When someone accepts the invitation, they move through a natural progression from the giving to the receiving stage of the activity. Once in the receiving stage, they’re “qualified” to receive 100% of the cash gifts they generate, hence this activity being so powerful. It creates a situation where there is no fixed hierarchy of individuals who have an advantageous position or unfair advantage over new participants.
CASH GIFTING PROGRAMS, LEGAL CASH GIFTING- There are quite a few cash gifting systems out there, but the most legitimate ones will require documentation provided by that cash gifting program, it will be done in a way where the inviter has to actually speak to the invitee at some point, and it will have typically been in existence for a solid length of time. One of the most successful and “by the book” ones I’ve seen can be found at www.QuitWorkBuildWealth.com. This young man has reportedly been of some help and the specific program he’s in is six years running, probably because of what has just been mentioned. You’ve just got to find the right cash gifting program to get into. Again, the most legitimate ones will require documentation, are done in a way where the inviter has to speak to the invitee, and have typically been in existence for a good length of time.
GIFTING PROGRAMS- Gifting Program, Gifting System, Cash Gifting, or anything else along those general lines can all be considered the same thing. There is no difference between any of the phrases. “A rose by any other name” IS STILL A GIFTING PROGRAM.
CASH GIFTING EXPERT- The first thing about the internet that you’ve probably found out by now is that everyone claims to be the cash gifting expert or “guru”. Use your judgment. A good gauge to use is whether or not they hide behind emails vs. providing an actual phone number upon opting in. Most successful gifters manage advertising systems, not day to day activities. If they are at least moderately successful and have some kind of roadmap to follow, they might be as good a bet as someone claiming to be “God’s gift to gifting”.
CASH GIFTING SCAMS- Again, it’s all about the aforementioned items. If someone can show you how to copy exactly what they do in order to be successful, you’ve got nothing to worry about. On the other hand, if you buy into a business opportunity OF ANY KIND and aren’t provided with any real direction, then it would be difficult to NOT feel like you’ve been taken for. That is also fairly apparent in any negative press you’ll find with regards to cash gifting. Also, keep in mind that it’s just like any other opportunity regardless of what specific program you do get involved with. It takes time, work, and of course money. If you don’t want to take risks, you can either just not do it, or you can start out small. Your gut can sometimes be your best indicator.
IS CASH GIFTING LEGAL- Yes. Cash gifting is legal as long as at least the 2 most important provisions are made… Documentation must be involved and the appropriate tax codes must be followed. The U.S. gifting rules are found in the IRS Tax Code, Title 26, Sections 2501-2504 and 2511. Also, you should keep in mind that state law will always supersede federal when it comes to your personal tax situation. Churches, civic groups and people from around the world have participated in organized gifting for over 300 years. Laws state that it is legal for individuals to exchange gifts. In the United States we have the Preamble, the Constitution and the Bill of Rights to protect a private citizen's rights to earn, pay taxes and give away property and cash as long as it is done according to the laws and codes of this country. This is not a pyramid scheme. A pyramid is associated with a company or a business. Gifting programs are not companies, just a private sharing clubs. Everyone gives the same gifts, works together in team dynamics and receives the same gift. In a pyramid, only those at the top profit while those at the bottom never reach the top. In a pyramid, people can and have lost their money. A pyramid is also not to be confused with "Network Marketing". Although Network Marketing is a legal and viable source of income, when was the last time you, or anyone you know, was able to start at the bottom of the company and reach the top position in the company? NEVER!
WHAT IS CASH GIFTING- In short order, it’s a way for individuals to leverage existing cash into a program where they improve their financial situation while inviting others to do the same. This activity does not involve network marketing, multi-level marketing, or a business or commercial activity. There are no business transactions, investments and/or securities involved in this activity. There is no business or company name or location and there are no directors, officers, shareholders or principals. Giving private gifts to one another is an expression of kindness, which has been going on for centuries. Governments have allowed its practice for individuals to share their wealth with families, friends and others. It has been a means of helping and blessing others on special occasions or when the need arises. Many cultures gift as a matter of course. Asian, Jewish and South American communities gift individuals within their culture on a regular basis so that they may start a business or buy a home. They in turn gift someone else to help enhance their lives. Habitat for Humanity is a great example of private gifting. Everyone participates with their time, their talents and materials to build a home for someone else. Some participate with a hammer, some with nails, some with food and others with the monetary gifts to purchase the supplies, but all create a team that works together to bless someone's life.
CASH GIFTING MARKETING- If and when you decide to get involved in a cash gifting program, you’ll want to join with someone who not only knows what they’re doing, but can show you how to do the same. Most gifting programs advise people to send out postcards, email people, or just contact friends as a means of generating “qualified leads”. However, if you’ve ever been involved in any kind of self-employment situation, you would probably know that doing that is the quickest way to loose friends. If what they say in terms of marketing makes sense to a clear-thinking mind, then it’s a good sign, and if they suggest you just dump money into different advertising programs, you’d be wise to use caution. As stated previously, just look out for someone who appears to know what they’re doing.