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We Need Prospects to Come to Us
8/13/2008 12:36:03 PM

How does this happen?


In the typical marketer to prospect relationship, it is always assumed that the marketer should be the one pursuing and persuading the prospect to buy their products or join them in business. It almost seems unrealistic to have a business where you have prospects pursuing you the marketer and trying to convince you of why you should sponsor them into your network marketing business.


It is not unrealistic at all. In fact, it really is the only effective way to sponsor new distributors consistently and making it look effortless. In network marketing and MLM, it is all about the prospect and what they are looking to buy. It is important that you understand what you are really selling and make sure it is what prospects are buying.


So, what are you really selling?


Most networkers approach the industry as if they are selling a business opportunity, so their only focus is to pitch their opportunity to everyone, everywhere, all the time. The reason no one’s joining is, they are not looking to buy the latest and greatest business opportunity. In fact, most people are terrified of having their own business. People have dreams as young children of what they want to be when they grow up. We even have dreams and aspirations as adults and I can guarantee you, no one was dreaming about becoming a network marketing distributor. Before I understood this, I was approaching people with my business opportunity as if it was the answer to their dreams and failed miserably.


Think about this.


Someone who buy’s the latest home fitness program, doesn’t buy it because it’s good to have or because they saw a great infomercial on the product. The guys might buy it because they really want to walk on the beach next summer with their shirt off and not be embarrassed or be able to keep up with the younger guys on the basketball court. The ladies might want be able to fit into their favorite dress.


Someone who buys a box of laundry detergent doesn’t buy it just to have a nice big box of Tide on the shelf. They bought it because they had dirty clothes (problem) they wanted to wash (solution).


So, in the same way, people don’t want your opportunity for what it is; they want the benefits your opportunity can provide. Your opportunity is a tool to help them get what they want.


People have problems whether its financial, freedom, debt or free time with the kids  and they just happen to here the network marketing is a good vehicle to help solve their problems and get what they really want.


Therefore, you must market to people what a business opportunity will do for them, instead on focus on how great your company and product is.


People will only come to you if you are selling what they are buying. Market what people are buying and watch them join you in bunches.

Re: We Need Prospects to Come to Us
12/22/2008 1:18:27 PM
Extremely nice summary of what should be done!