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Jacquelyn Meehan

117 Posts
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We Break ALL The Rules So That YOU Will Get Paid
8/11/2008 2:21:48 PM

Today I want to chat with you about something you may not have really thought about. I have some questions for you.

How many programs have you joined in the past 5 years that ultimately didn't work out the way you hoped that they would?  One, three, six,ten?

That is not unusual for those of us who are really want to create financial independence.

Now, I want you to think about ALL the money you spent per month advertising those programs and all the marketing costs you invested trying to build thse businesses.

While you were working to build those programs how many people were working with you to help you succeed? If you are like me, the answer is none.

How many people were actively working with you to help you to move toward success and accomplishing your goals?

Our business is like nothing you have ever seen. All of our Unselfish Wealth Team are ready to advertise to help you get 4 personal referrals for you in OUR BUSINESS....

We will then advertise to help your members get their 4 and then we will advertise to help them get their 4. Get the idea?

That is how our system literally FORCES YOU to SUCCEED! There is residual income in your future plus all kinds of Bonuses for you to help you along the way. You CANNOT PREVENT YOUR SUCCESS with Unselfish Wealth.


 You can repeat the past and keep losing money OR Take the free tour and JOIN  Unselfish Wealth. It's up to YOU!


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