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Ask Hard Questions
8/11/2008 2:08:05 AM
Hi All Adlandpro is a specific advertising community so I expect to get many spam messages and this is O.K. by me. Many of these posts and messages are designed buy the program owners and members are told to send them to community friends. But before I consider any program I always ask this question of the spam email sender. (name of sender) "Name how much money have you honestly earned and being paid and is in your bank account from xxx program?" I don't get may positive replies.
Mary Bird

350 Posts
Invite Me as a Friend
Re: Ask Hard Questions
12/1/2008 9:59:04 AM

Seems like right after I invite someone to be my friend,they hit me hard with personal messages and e mails telling me to join their program. Not too friendly.

I like helping the new people,especially before they max out their credit cards looking for the get rich quick program.


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