
Karin Bom

16 Posts
Invite Me as a Friend
8/10/2008 3:00:10 AM
What is Gifting?
“Gifting” is simply the private sharing of gifts between people who believe in the universal law of giving: “Give, and it will be given to you."
I'm not sure if you've heard the news, but as of recent a
bunch of Internet Marketers and Cash Gifters have joined
forces to make Cash Gifting viral!

They have created a Dream Team within the cash gifting
community... and they go by the name of the
Big Dog Gifters

It totally makes sense because some of the notable figures
that have joined, are literally Big Dogs in their area of

Here are a few examples:

Eric Green aka The Digital Gangster
John the Furry Hat Guy
Armando Arias
Ruth Sias
Guy Nakoa
Chris of EZCASHGIFTS - his videos alone pull in as much as
40,000 views with great conversion!

Now think about it!... these are just a few of the people
who have come on board!

Picture how viral this will get when more of the powerhouse
marketers and gifters get involved too!

This is something that will truly change people and change

Even better, it follows the path of REAL gifting, by paying
it forward to a complete stranger! This is the TRUE
intention of gifting; Blessing a completely random person
with your gift!

There are no 1-Ups here! There is no cash counting here!

Everyone in this community is contributing their time and
efforts to help others.

A number of community members are already successful many
times over, so they don't need to prove anything!

They sincerely want to give back to others as gratitude!

And get this! It only takes a $100 gift and $16 admin fee
to get involved!

Let me emphasize. This community is still brand new! It's
still in it's infant stages! Think about the potential!

At the same time, as the community continues to grow it will
open it's doors to sharing more value with it's members in
the form of marketing steps, tips, strategies, etc.

For more information, please listen to this conference call
that was done just days ago!
After that, please check out the community YouTube channel
and watch all the videos! It's so new that the videos were
only posted a day ago!
When you're ready to join, please provide me with your:

Full Name
Email Address
Telephone Number

YOU MUST also ensure that you have your $116. The cycle is
very fast paced! I personally gifted within half an hour
of joining.

This is CRITICAL, because the cycle continues to populate
as we speak. In turn, we cannot delay the activity to
accommodate those who cannot participate immediately.

You're always welcome to the community, but please make sure
that you are ready to join 100%!

Well, that's all folks!

Don't let this opportunity pass you by!

Take care!

Expect miracles,

Karin Bom
* BIG DOG Gifting Community *

Email me if you wish to be apart of this activity:

Get Invited Now!

Elite Activity at Elite Resurrected PRIVATE GIFTING PROGRAM: Gifting example of Classic Model.

The gift levels are $100, $250, $500, $1000, $2000, $4000 and $6000.

You receive 8 times each of those amounts, $800, $2000, $4000, $8000, $16,000, $32,000 and $48,000. All that with only a $100 to start.

The way this works is you gift $100 to one person and 8 people gift you $100. Then you gift one person $250 (out of the gifts you received) and 8 people gift you $250. Then you gift one person $500 (out of the gifts you received) and 8 people gift you $500. And so on and so on..... until you gift one person $6000 and 8 people gift you $6000. All that with only a $100 to start.
New Reply
8/10/2008 1:16:03 PM

Cash gifting programs are highly ILLEGAL, not only in the U.S., but in just about every country around the world...

It's amazing people still for these "deals."

The FTC has shut down several hundred of these programs in just the past 2 years, as have numerous state AG's and local district attorneys, with fines and jail time being imposed...

My advice is to find a legitimate networking or "sharing" opportunity...

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Karin Bom

16 Posts
Invite Me as a Friend
8/10/2008 2:10:23 PM

No my are wrong.....Cashgifting IS long as the reciever pays tax :).....please go to FTC and read it very carefully again.....

By the way....if cashgifting wasn´t legal.....gosh alot of people were criminal then.....think of christmas, jewis bar mitcha, birthdays etc......


New Reply
8/10/2008 5:50:54 PM

As a former Fed and well known network marketing industry leader with a consulting practice with a prominent former Attorney General who used to prosecute people for being involved in illegal money games like these, I think I know a lot more about the legality of programs like these than you do..

Many of the ringleaders of these types of programs point to various statutes and then misconstrue them, especially the IRS codes, and just because you report any money received on your tax return (which many don't) does not make the program itself legal!

There is a big difference between giving someone a gift versus "gifting." When you give someone a normal gift, like a birthday present, you aren't expecting anything in return at the time you give them the gift!

Gifting deals are all predicated upon the intended receipt of money from others, which has 2 legal problems: first, the only thing changing hands his money (hence the classification as a "money game") and second, a quid pro quo is involved.

If you didn't think you were going to receive any money in return, there's no way you'd send people money, especially people you don't know!

Yes, I would highly advise going to the FTC website...I would also recommend visiting the website of your state Attorney General as many have warnings about programs like this...

You evidently don't watch TV much (60 minutes has done stories on the illegality of programs like this) and there are numerous news stories all over the Internet about programs like these being shut down and people being prosecuted, fined, even jailed for participation..

Several hundred women were recently prosecuted in the state of Texas for participation in a program similar to this one! I would suggest that come down here and tell them that you will get their convictions and fines overturned (I'm sure they'd be more than happy to give you a percentage) and then turn around and sue the state of Texas for wrongful prosecution and make millions of dollars! You'd make a lot more money on that than gifting, but of course we know that there's now way you would undertake such an endeavor because programs like these aren't legal and you'd be laughed out of the state of Texas..

I woud suggest doing a search online from different news sources instead of listening to nut jobs on the Internet and just because there are people doing this doesn't mean that it's legal...

The fact is there are so many of these types of deals out there the authorities can't get to them fast enough. The FTC in the past several years has shut down over 200 of these types of programs, so the mere fact that you are involved with one that hasn't been hit yet does not mean 1) that the program is legal nor 2) that they won't get hit by regulators in the future..

I would highly recommend investing your time in a legitimate home based business opportunity...

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