Hello,Carl,This is Patrick Hopkins.Sure,you think I do nothing but complain.On August 6,2008,PIG had Paypal as a processor.The next day Paypal was gone and I am glad of that.On August 7,2008,PIG had Solidtrust Pay as the processor.Frankly,I am in favor of Solidtrust Pay as the payment processor (to deposit money into your PIG account.I like STP because of the debit card program.You say PIG is using both Solidtrust Pay and Alertpay.I have both accounts-that is NOT the problem.However,today-August 8,2008,I went to the Pay It Global website and it showed that PIG was only utilizing the Alertpay processor.There was no sign of Solidtrust Pay as a way of depositing money into the PIG system.Just a day before on August 7,Solidtrust Pay was there and on August 8,Solidtrust Pay is not there.Do a test run under deposit money.What is upsetting to me is the changes day to day.I would prefer utilizing Solidtrust Pay but I can use Alertpay if I have.I do not want to have to transfer money from my bank account into the Solidtrust Pay account and then find out that PIG is not taking Solidtrust Pay.So is PIG taking just Alertpay or Alertpay AND Solidtrust Pay???I contacted support but once again I should not have to contact support because it just slows things down.I need to find out the answer because I have to transfer money from my bank account to either Solidtrust Pay or Alertpay and I would prefer STP.I need to know what is going on and what is the deal here?Alertpay only or Solidtrust Pay or both.There is no sign of Solidtrust Pay on the PIG site under deposit money.This is why I am mad because of the sudden changes.If you would give me proper advance notice,I can deal with these issues better.All you have is confusion.What is the deal,Carl?Solidturst Pay or no Solidturst Pay?Patrick Hopkins.