
Give Your Bank Account An Extreme Makeover!
8/6/2008 11:04:58 AM
We are Extreme Makeover artists, but with one big difference. We work on it from the inside out. Here is what we do in a nutshell: -- We help people get over their "poverty consciousness" and then we help them turn their UGLY EMPTY bank accounts into FAT BEAUTIFUL bank accounts! -- We turn people who have never made a dime in a home business before all the way around....we take them from EXTREMELY BROKE to positive cash flow and an EXTREME income in their first month! -- We show new mothers how they can stay at home with their newly born babies and love them instead of putting them into daycare situations so that Mommy can go back to work at a job she has grown to hate. --Thru our Color Personality Technology we show frustrated MLMer's how to "drop their agenda"......quit trying to get everybody they meet into "their deal" and really create duplication and an organization of professionals who begin to create the kind of income they have always dreamed of. -- We show networkers how to quit wasting them how they can get FAR more done in FAR LESS time and actually start creating the kind of business they have been fighting for for so long. -- The Purple Cowboys show people that it is possible to make more money sitting in any hotel lobby with a cellphone and a laptop than they ever could by punching a clock for the "man". - And much much more! Believe me when I say.....I AM just getting started with this stuff........ How would You like an "Extreme Financial Makeover" from the inside out.
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