Hello, Yvonne
I will listen to the song , But how do you advertise you Power Mall, There is another way , go to this website www.ez3s.com and register for the free webinar , and also put $500.00 in your bank account . All you have to do is make one call. then your prospects contact you. for whatever you have to offer. And also I have a partner His name is JIM Rivias maybe you have heard of him, He and this new company have a new program comming online very soon! And it will be a worldwide program , He made well over a million last year online. They asking him to make a million in 30 days , and he's asking His partners to join him on the ground floor of this new Program , He is already taking Regisration's The best part it is only $85.00 to join then $50.00 a month for a year , And at the end of that year if whoever is in does not make money with the program he will give back a full refund plus 10% on top of that. Spread the word ! This has the potential of making a Million a month . Thats how sure he is about it , but positioning is key. If this sounds good to you Yvonne Email me back at fmtyer@gmail.com there will be a call on this new program very soon . Dont't wait to long People are joining like crazy !
Best Regards