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Yvonne Tei

316 Posts
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Inspiration comes in all forms!
8/2/2008 11:20:07 PM
Hi Friends,

I am so excited to share a song/video with you that is exploding all over the world. You may know I am part of a company called Together We Can Change The World. This song (The Together We Can Change The World Anthem), performed by both American and Ugandan children, is something you absolutely have to experience! It is my gift for you today.

If you are as touched by it as I am, please send it to everyone you know. We dream of inspiring millions to be the Difference in their World.

Click the image above

Have a great day!
My Power Mall

Hi, Yvonne
8/2/2008 11:40:08 PM

   Hello, Yvonne

   I will listen to the song , But how do you advertise you Power Mall, There is another way , go to this website and register for the free webinar , and also put $500.00 in your bank account . All you have to do is make one call. then your prospects contact you. for whatever you have to offer. And also I have a partner His name is JIM Rivias maybe you have heard of him, He and this new company have a new program comming online very soon! And it will be a worldwide  program , He made well over a million last year online. They asking him to make a million in 30 days , and he's asking His partners to join him on the ground floor of this new Program , He is already taking Regisration's The best part it is only $85.00 to join then $50.00 a month for a year , And at the end of that year if whoever is in does not make money with the program he will give back a full refund plus 10% on top of that.  Spread the word ! This has the potential of making a Million a month . Thats how sure he is about it , but positioning is key. If this sounds good to you Yvonne Email me back at  there will be a call on this new program very soon . Dont't wait to long People are joining like crazy !


Best Regards


Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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Re: Inspiration comes in all forms!
8/3/2008 5:37:00 AM

Dear Yvonne,

Thank you for the wonderful gift. The song is most beautiful, the story behind is touching. Yes, I believe we really can all change the world through authentic manifestations of love like this one.

Best Wishes,

Luis Miguel Goitizolo


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Re: Inspiration comes in all forms!
8/3/2008 11:21:51 AM

Hi Yvonne,

Thanks for posting this video and song. When I forst heard it some days ago I played it over and over again while singing and dancing in my office. That's how moved I was.

I do believe we can change the world, together but only if we, the people, throw off the shackles of government and return or transfer that government back to His shoulders i.e. The Lord Jesus.


I've Recently Discovered the Secrets to Making Money on the Internet & Enjoy Sharing With My Friends
Nick Sym

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Re: Inspiration comes in all forms!
8/4/2008 11:31:58 PM
Breast Cancer Awareness On My Site! Free exposure that works

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