
Legal Service plans for families and business for over 30 years
7/30/2008 4:15:44 PM
Have you ever worked with a lawyer or felt like you needed legal counsel regarding writing or revising your will, purchasing a home or car, your income taxes, civil rights, debt collection issues, or collecting an insurance claim?

Would you agree that there are many situations in daily life when it would be valuable to have the ability to pick up the phone and call a lawyer for advice about absolutely any legal matter without having to consider the cost first? For a low monthly membership fee, Pre-Paid Legal can provide exactly that and much more.

With no obligation, you can learn more by visiting my website. See how Pre-Paid Legal can help protect you and your family's legal rights at:

Thank you for your time and if you're interested or just have questions, I'll be happy to help. Please feel free to contact me at your convenience.

Are you looking for a little extra income each month, would you like to be self-employed, or find a new career to replace your current job? I might be able to help.

I am an independent sales associate for Pre-Paid Legal Services, Inc. Not a "get-rich-quick" scheme, Pre-Paid Legal is a New York Stock Exchange company that has provided legal service plans for families and businesses for over 30 years.

I'm looking for people who see the value in the Pre-Paid Legal plan and who could be excited about making a living AND making a difference. Whether you're considering part-time or full-time, the flexible business opportunity Pre-Paid Legal offers might interest you.

With no obligation, you can view a short presentation and learn more by visiting my website. See what Pre-Paid Legal can do for you at:


Michael Baun
Independent Associate
Pre-Paid Legal Services, Inc.

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Re: Legal Service plans for families and business for over 30 years
8/2/2008 9:50:30 PM

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