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Nick Sym

23156 Posts
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7/28/2008 3:33:44 AM


A woman's daughter had asked the local minister to come and pray with her

When the minister arrived, he found the woman lying in bed with her head
propped up on two pillows. An empty chair sat beside her bed The minister
assumed that the woman had been informed of his visit. 'I guess you were
expecting me, he said.' No, who are you?' said the  mother.

 The minister
told her his name and then remarked, 'I saw the empty  chair and I figured
you know I was going to show up.' 'Oh yeah, the chair,' said the bedridden
woman. 'Would you mind closing the door ?'

Puzzled, the minister shut the
door. 'I have never told anyone this, not  even my daughter,' said the
woman. 'But all of my life I have never known  how to pray. At church I used
to hear the pastor talk about prayer, but it went right over my head.' I
abandoned any attempt at prayer,' the woman continued, 'until one day four
years ago; my best friend said to me, 'Betty, prayer is just a simple matter
of having a conversation with Jesus.

 Here is what I suggest. 'Sit down in a
chair; place an empty chair in front of you,  and in faith see Jesus on the
chair. It's not spooky because he promised 'I will be with you always.'
Then just speak to him in the same way you're doing with me right now. So, I
tried it and I've liked it so much that I do it a couple of hours every day.

I'm careful though. If my daughter saw me talking to an empty chair, she'd
either have a nervous breakdown or send me off to the funny farm.'

The minister was deeply moved by the story and encouraged the woman to
continue on the journey. Then he prayed with her, anointed her with oil, and
returned to the church.

Two nights later the daughter called to tell the minister that her mother
had died that afternoon. Did she die in peace ? he asked. Yes, when I left
the house about two o'clock, she called me over to her bedside, told me she
loved me and kissed me on the cheek. When I got back from the store an hour
later, I found her. But there was something strange about her death.

Apparently, just before Mother died, She leaned over and rested her head on
the chair beside the bed. What do you make of that ?' The minister wiped a
tear from his eye and said, 'I wish we could all go like that.'

 Prayer is one of
the best free gifts we receive. I asked God for water, He gave me an ocean.I
asked God for a flower, He gave me garden.* I asked God for a friend, He
gave me all of YOU... If God brings you to it, He will bring you through
it.Happy moments, praise God. Difficult  moments, seek God. Quiet moments,worship God Painful moments,  trust God. Every moment, thank God

Breast Cancer Awareness On My Site! Free exposure that works
Jill Bachman

8860 Posts
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7/28/2008 3:59:24 AM

Hi Nick,

WOW!  You surely know how to bring a tear to our eyes.

What an absolutely BEAUTIFUL story, and your images as always..........make it even more special.  I will never look at an empty chair again as empty.........but with someone's  head resting on Jesus lap.  I am really touched. 


Bless you,  Jill
7/28/2008 4:06:25 AM

I want to Thank You. This is beautiful. I am facing the possibility of Breast Cancer and all that goes with it. I truly believe that people and things are placed in our lives to encourage, comfort, and support us when we least expect it. Thank you for adding this to my quest for life.

Audrey G.


Audrey G.
Sarah Pritchard

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7/28/2008 5:49:40 AM
Thank you Nick.

As Jill said, you know how to make me cry!

This is a beautiful story which I won't forget. I won't forget the message at the end either.

Angel cuddles,


ps When my father was passing over, my sister thought that he was delirious because he seemed to be talking to his oxygen bottle. I have a different theory.
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Beverly Kersey

1239 Posts
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Person Of The Week
7/28/2008 12:19:03 PM

AMEN Nick:

I was my mom's caregiver in my home. Here is a poem I wrote in memory of my mother when she graduated to be with our Lord

Momma isn't crying now,

our Savior wiped them dry.

He took her in his loving arms

and said dear child don't cry.

For today you'll be in paradise

where the streets are paved in gold

and there will stand your beloved Sam

ready to take you home.

A home the likes you could not believe

filled with all your family.

And you will laugh and dance and sing

For all eternity.


Beverly Kersey

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