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GBG Families United Will Give You Your First 2 Sign Ups And Give Them Theirs!!
7/25/2008 8:13:17 PM

My company is GBG ( ). With this company, you get a free business, free website, and free training (in the form of frequent phone meetings with the company heads). There is no kit, I don't keep inventory, I don't do parties, I don't have to "conduct interviews," I don't spend my time calling potential recruits or customers, etc. It also has one of the (if not THE) lowest costs for an at-home business. AND the product sells itself.

In order to get the free business, I buy my vitamins from the company. I pay $19.99 plus shipping for a month s supply of 10-in-1 liquid vitamins. The vitamins are amazing .. AND I was paying more for my vitamins at GNC before I started taking GBG.

SO--- basically, for taking my vitamins every day (which I would do ANYway), I get a free business, website, and residual income. I get paid TWO ways, too: I get paid $5 for every bottle of vitamins that one of my referrals purchases each month, PLUS (in a different check), I get a percentage of the purchase price from every single bottle that was purchased by someone under me (and they don t have to be referred by me... .I get paid for my referrals referrals referrals referrals referral... and so on).

Also, because this is a 2x10 matrix (which is copyrighted), each person only NEEDS 2 referrals in order to earn $2650 per month. If you get more than 2, you re given what is called a "New Me," wherein a new "you" is placed in your matrix. This means that when I get paid for the people under me... I get paid 10 times. This may be difficult to understand without the visual, so check out the site ( ) for more detailed videos about the business.

Join through this group and we get you your first 2 sign ups and then get theirs for them too.

With each 2 referrals, you ll be eligible for $2650.

If you still need more information about the business or the products you can visit:

When you are ready to join please contact us and we will send you the link to the next person in line to receive their 2 sign ups and you will be placed on the list to receive your 2.

Elizabeth Price-Castro

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