With the unveiling of MMA Version 4, plus the Ernst & Young award to U1st company owners, Entrpreneur of the Year for Financial Services, Utah Region, our business is huge.
The V 4 Money Merge Account Software is like a completely new system that works on steroids to pay off debt in the fastest possible time using Factorial Math. We have become the 800lb gorilla!
Now almost anyone who has an income, can use this
Ernst & Young award winning system to get out of debt in record time:
==> Bankrupcy? No longer a problem ==> Credit rating in the toilet? No longer a problem
==> No equity in your home? NO PROBLEM ==> No mortgage, ONLY debt? No problem ==> Not a lot of discretionary income? No problem, it can be as little as $10.00 a month!
What is required to make MMA work its magic math?
1. A checking account 2. A savings account 3. A credit card with at least $300 available 4. Monthly income 5. The desire to be debt-free in the least possible time.
What the MMA system does:
a) Looks at all debt with Factorial Math based precision and lets you know exactly what to do. b) Uses a 'float' system via credit card to cancel even more interest c) Uses every penny of 'stagnant' money in your checking and savings account to cancel interest d) Program can be set to Maximum or Minimum Aggression to pay off according to your circumstances e) Designed primarily to cancel interest and build wealth
What tools are available?
=> Money Merge Account Pro: For Mortgage holders OR for those whose debt only is over $80,000.00 => Money Merge Account Express: For those with debt only of under $80,000 => Money Merge Optimizer: For those with multiple properties, and for those who finance MMA Pro or Express. Other than that the Optimizer is optional.
To find out more, click here.
Just want to remind you that it only costs $175 (for a year) to become an Agent, and there are millions of people who would greatly benefit by being introduced to MMA.