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Marilyn L Martin

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Tracking + Training = Your Profits Growing!!
7/23/2008 5:24:11 PM

Hi All,

Are you tracking all your advertising that you are doing online? If not, why aren't you? Tracking is the only way to know what is working for you and what isn't, and you need this very important info so you can change what is not working! This is one way to make sure that you are successful and nor just wasting your time and money!

Here is a great article for you to read about tracking written by Mark Brown. Enjoy!

With the ever increasing need to get a leg up on the
competition affiliate marketers across the internet
would do well to implement ad tracking to their
tool bags in order to find out where their revenue is
coming from and where their profits should be

"What exactly is an ad tracking", you ask?

Tracking for affiliates can be done with the help of
a software program or tracking service that tracks,
traces and notes where and when every click of the
mouse is made by a visitor to your website.

Ad trackers let you keep an eye on how your
marketing and advertising is performing both on
and offline.

There are even ad tracking service providers that
will do all the tracking for you as well as teach you
how to understand and interpret the tracking data
that is available to you.

These programs are more helpful then ever if you
are engaged in many affiliate and pay-per-click
programs.  They allow you to track ads in emails,
pop-ups and pop-unders, slide ins etc, message
boards, auto responders, Ezines, News Letters,
forums, web sites, surveys and any other marketing
or advertising media that you can imagine.

With the help of the ad tracker, you will know with
precision how many and which of your links where
clicked on, how many of your email messages were
opened and how many of those who opened your
message clicked through to the web site and purchased
a product, how many products were purchased your
product or service, which of your banner ads or text
links brought the most leads, sales and click through
ratios, plus all of the supporting data to go along with it.

For serious affiliates, every decision and plan that is made
must be well grounded in reality. Your decision or plan of
action may not be the best however if you have
implemented tracking into your strategy you will know
when to make the critical tweaks and changes that can
turn your poor plan of action into a profitable one.

A truly comprehensive and user friendly tracking service
that also teaches and trains you why tracking is needed
and how to make it pay for your business purposes can
be found at

ProTrackerPlus is also set up for your affiliate marketing
needs by being the only tracking program that can track
sales and actions on affiliate websites.

When you sign up for an affiliate program you are given a
self-replicated website with your affiliate id. Normally you
don't have any control over this website, ie, you can't edit
or modify the pages.

The statistic programs that come with affiliate programs
will only tell you how many total clicks and sales you have
generated with your affiliate id. There is no way to tell which
of your ads generated those sales.

With ProTrackerPlus, it is now possible to track the source
of your sales on self-replicating websites that you can't control.

The Future is here... embrace it and take your business to a
higher level.

Mark Brown is the co-owner of ProTrackerPlus
and ProClickEstate, you can e-mail him at:


Marilyn L Martin
"The ALP & TGAMM Couple"
"Rick & Marilyn Martin...Married 11/17/06"
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Re: Tracking + Training = Your Profits Growing!!
7/23/2008 6:26:13 PM
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Leslie Combs

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Re: Tracking + Training = Your Profits Growing!!
7/23/2008 7:49:40 PM
Marilyn I just signed up for ProTrackerPlus. Thank you for keeping us update on how to promote our businesses. Leslie
Turn Your Dreams Into Reality Leslie Combs,

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