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Marilyn L Martin

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How To Write Effective Headlines That Make People Wanting To Read On And Respond
7/23/2008 3:45:47 PM

Learning how to write effective headlines that can capture your prospects’ attention is vitally important in advertising.

Why? Because in advertising, you don’t have the luxury to presell the prospects, like in the case of email marketing.

The only place where your prospects can grab a brief idea of your offer is from your headline. If your headline doesn’t resonate with them, you lose them. It’s as simple as that!

In this article, I’m going to share with you a simple method that you can use to write effective headlines that make people wanting to read on and respond. I hope this article can shed some light and give you some inspiration for your next headline.

Ready? Here we go……

When writing a headline, one question you should be asking yourself is “what is so unique about my offer that people must read it and take action now?”

If you can pinpoint the answer to this question, all you have to do is convey this uniqueness to your prospects in your headline. That’s how you write an effective headline.

A unique idea sells better than a product

I’ve seen many advertisers trying to capture leads by giving away free gift. Giving free gift works, especially if you give away videos and software (see my previous post on What Kind Of Internet Marketing Free Gift Will Entice People To Opt-in To Your List?). But if you want to boost the response further, you need to “package your free gift into a unique idea“.

For example, tell me which headline will pull better response:

Free Video Shows You How To Make Money Online

Free Video Shows You How To Make $3646 In The First Month Online

It could be the same video but by adding an extra uniqueness to the headline, in this case is $3646 In The First Month, it gives your prospects one more reason why they should respond to your ad.

But wait, how about this headline?

Free Video Shows You Step By Step How To Make $3646 In The First Month Online

I’ve added one more uniqueness that further differentiates your offer from other offers out there.

How else can you make it more unique? How about this headline?

52 Minutes Full-Length FREE Video Shows You Step By Step How To Make $3646 In The First Month Online

What you are telling your audience is that it’s not just a normal video, it’s

1) a full-length video, not some kind of preview;
2) a step-by-step video, not some kind of introductory course;
3) capable of helping them to make $3646 in the first month.

Any one of these uniqueness may just hit the hot button of your prospects and as a result, they will read on to find out more about your offer.

Some gurus say long headline pulls better response than short headline. This is only true provided you are adding more uniqueness to your headline and not writing a bunch of nonsense!

I hope through this simple illustration, you can see how you can start off with a simple headline and slowly turn it into an effective headline that works.

Remember, the idea is to ask yourself this question, “what is so unique about my offer that people must read it and take action now?”

Written By Kenneth Koh

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Thanks for reading and have a great day!



Marilyn L Martin
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Re: How To Write Effective Headlines That Make People Wanting To Read On And Respond
7/23/2008 9:30:24 PM

Breast Cancer Awareness On My Site! Free exposure that works

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