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Jim Allen

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Ship High In Transit
7/20/2008 3:34:50 PM
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An interesting fact ?

Manure:  In the 16th and 17th centuries, everything had to be transported by ship and it was also before commercial fertilizer's invention, so large shipments of manure were common..


It was shipped dry, because in dry form it weighed a lot less than when wet, but once water (at sea) hit it, it not only became heavier, but the process of fermentation began again, of which a by product is methane gas. As the stuff was stored below decks in bundles you can see what could (and did) happen.

Methane began to build up below decks and the first time someone came below at night with a lantern, BOOOOM!

Several ships were destroyed in this manner before it was determined just what was happening

After that, the bundles of manure were always stamped with the term 'Ship High In Transit' on them, which meant for the sailors to stow it high enough off the lower decks so that any water that came into the hold would not touch this volatile cargo and start the production of methane.

Thus evolved the term ' S.H.I.T ' , (Ship High In Transport) which has come down through the centuries and is in use to this very day.

You probably did not know the true history of this word.

Neither did I.

I had always thought it was a golf term

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May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
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Jen Maxwell

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Re: Ship High In Transit
7/20/2008 4:37:10 PM

Hi Jim,

Hehehehehehehe!  Great history lesson, I really appreciate it
and feel it's my solemn duty to let others know as well.

Have a great week,


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Re: Ship High In Transit
7/20/2008 8:57:45 PM
Hi Jim,
now that is a lot of sh0t abotu sh0t .. lol thanks for the great history lesson ..

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Peter Fogel

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Re: Ship High In Transit
7/21/2008 3:33:15 AM

Hey Jim,

Great stuff or should I say  S.H.I.T..



Peter Fogel
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Steven Suchar

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Re: Ship High In Transit
7/21/2008 2:44:43 PM
Blessings Brother Jim  :)

Wow...I Guess SHIT Does Happen!!

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