Have you Ever "caught" yourself BEING Your "Own Worst Enemy"?
I have ... if you have ... just admit it and let's move on!
I want you to Know with Total Certainty that you Are an Eternal Spiritual Being that is Inherently Good! So Keep this First and Foremost IN Your Mind when Dealing with yourself and with others AND Watch your Life begin to change for the Better!
There is so much "False Data" that we get all over in our daily dealings that one would not think that anyone should ever have to tell you this...
You ARE a Whole Lot More WILLING and Able than You OR Anyone around you has Ever allowed yourself to Believe. But Know this ... I Believe IN the Goodness of "YOU" and we Haven't even Met Yet!
You will never find me judgmental or invalidative of you or your opinions and beliefs. It is my Intention for this Forum to BE a Totally SAFE Place for you to BE an Communicate. After all, the Only Two Crimes anyone of us ever commits is Just "Being there And Communicating"!
So ... You, your Ideas and Contributions ARE Welcome!
Please Feel free to share this Forum with those that you Truly Care about for it is here for all with Like Minded, Sharing and Caring Hearts.
Over time, we will all come to know each other much better than we now imagine, where we become to accept our short-comings by seeing that we're not alone. A lot of people have "self-doubts" from time to time.
I want for you to Start BEING as Good a Friend to YOURSELF as You already ARE to Others! I want for you to DO for Yourself those things that You DO for others. You know what I'm talking about! How Many Times have we gone out of our way to Help others when we don't even Take the Time to DO for ourselves!
Anyway . . . I will Leave you With this Thought ... If We EVER Saw one of our Friends Treat Another Friend the Way that we TREAT ourselves ... We Would NEVER Tolerate it!
So ... Let's START by Being as Good a Friend to Ourselves as We ARE to Others!
There's Abundance All AROUND us! Allow yourself to HAVE It Please!
Your New Friend in LIFE and Living,
Steve Weber