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Advertising On Moon or Effel Tower??!
7/18/2008 5:05:28 AM

Advertising On Moon or Effel Tower??!

Hallo everyone! Here is my story and my big problem too… Seen I made my website, besides that I didn’t know what to sell or what to promote, ecc.  I start to think, very deep thinking …. well…nice website, I made it myself! I’m such a genius!! But where to promote it? And why peaple should be interested to see it…or to buy from me??? Because I’m just a beginner in this madness of internet market… “Ufff… Very much sharks… huge dinoisaurus and other … I  didn’t find just one little cat…” So, I have found an ocean of possibility of advertising! “Which one I have to choose? Which is the best? Which is the cheapest?... Ufff… “Again big and deep thinking! Try here, try there…pay there, try here,  find free advertising…ecc.

One day, waching the sky in the night suddenly I made my mind and say:”WAW…look Alex I find my place of advertising… The Moon!!The beautiful Moon! Everybody can see my banner!!… I’ll be offering free binoculars to all my friend, maybe to all the people in the world word!!” I was  so happy and I go to sleep very happy!...”I’m the number ! I have rank no.1 in visitors traffic!!! I’m a winner! I won the battle with everyone who in advertising industry!”.

Everything was ok till morning when I dicovered that I can promote my banner on Tower of Effel…Ups! Here all my beautiful dreem has stop. And I can manage my problem of my life… Where should I promote my website? On Moon or opon Effel Tower??...Could anybody help me to make the best choise for my advertising campaign? …But fast… because tomorrow it’s possible to wish to promote on other big tower of the world…


 Hope I catch you a smile on your face and  please do not think big like me … because you can fall in deep problems …. regarding advertising …or other…


You can send your story or your comments regarding my story at my site. Maybe I’ll publish  some testimonials near my story… Bye the way…Please don’t forget: in my Free Stuff Page …there is also free advertising …on Moon , or Effel Tower…your choise! :)



best regards Alex New ebooks / products for health, home, and cooking on my website:

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