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Nosa Idemudia

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Need help with website scripts?
7/17/2008 5:20:06 PM

How To Install Website Scripts Yourself and Save Tons of Cash Today!

One of the coolest parts of having your own website is being able to use website software (aka scripts) to enhance its functionality.

Most people are scared to death when they hear terms like PHP, CGI, and MySQL...  Fact is, its not very difficult to install profit pulling scripts on your site once you are taught how.

Today I have a spectacular set of tutorial videos that will guide you step-by-step through the process of installing scripts (aka software) on your website.


So what kind of scripts are available for you to use?  A few that come to mind are:

- ad tracking
- affiliate management
- website/banner rotators
- membership sites
- autoresponders
- link cloakers
- text ad systems
- and much much more

Basically, once you have mastered the art of installing website software,  all it comes down to is finding the right scripts to run your website.  And even better, you don't need to know one bit of PHP or CGI code...

Download this set of video tutorials today!  I will be raising the price very soon as this is a hot seller!


To your website success!

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