2 things that work really good are:
Lotto Magic: This is worldwide MLM and it's been around for 12 years. Hour per hour, I earn 3 times more with this advertising just a half-hour a day, than I do working several hours a day the day at the pizza shop. http://www.freelottomagic.com/?V7577
Cool Cash Cubes: This is for USA only, not MLM, it's a new online version of a popular classic mail-order money-squares system. You choose 1 to 6 cubes, you'll get a personalized site with your name in those cubes, and then people send you money, that can happen daily. Your name always stays in the cubes on YOUR site, and can also stay in lots of cubes on new members sites. That could be 1,000s of sites for a real long time, bringing you lots of passive money. This is online, no paying for stamps! People in the mail-order biz join this like crazy AND pay $100s for stamps, you don't have to! This is gonna pay for me and my brother to go to college, you'll like it...it works! http://www.topbiztoday.com/cashcubes.html