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How many licks does it take to get to the center?
7/13/2008 11:27:51 AM
I want to visit with you about something
you may not have yet considered and I want us to
both be completely upfront and honest with each
other if that's all right with's ok,
nobody else is listening...

How many programs have you joined in the past
5 years that ultimately didn't work out the way
you hoped they would?

2, 5, 10...even more than that?

Don't worry...that's not unusual for those of us
who really want to create financial independence
and don't lose sight of our goals.

We're not afraid to take the plunge when something
makes sense!

Now add up all the monthly costs you spent on all
those programs...

Add up all the marketing costs you invested trying
to build those businesses...

Now think about this...

While you were working to build all those other
programs, how many other people were actively
working to help you get started?

How many other people were actively working to
force you toward success and accomplishing your

If after thinking of these things, you spent a
LOT of your hard earned cash and feel like you
were doing all the work yourself, you never have
to go through that pain ever again.

Remember, ALL of the Unselfish Wealth members are
ready to advertise to help get 4 personal referrals
for you in our business...

Then we'll advertise to help your members get
their 4, and so on...

THAT's how our system literally forces you toward

If this sounds like the kind of help you always
wished you had in those other programs, click the
following link to visit the tour and come aboard
on our team so we can all start advertising to
help get your 4 personal referrals NOW!

See you @ the top,
Patrick Burns

Unselfish Wealth
Let me build your business

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Thanks a Million$$$ Patrick & Ursula Unselfish Wealth
The Language of Success
7/17/2008 9:03:43 PM

If you want to attract strong, powerful, confident leaders … you have to project the image of a strong, powerful, confident leader. It is a proven fact that like attracts like.

Weak, unsure, followers who struggle with self-doubt will undoubtedly attract weak, self-doubting followers. Strong, confident, self-assured leaders always seem to attract strong leaders.

Click here for a leadership training website »

We have seen it happen so many times over the years. We have seen many, many brazen, over confident, braggarts build large network marketing organizations. We look at these folks and ask ourselves how they did it. They don’t seem all that capable and proficient, yet they do attract some leadership.

The answer is … they projected an air of confidence and self-assuredness, even if it may be abrasive to some and obnoxious to others. What does this example teach us? It teaches us several things:

  • You don’t have to be an expert to look and act like one. (All these Internet eBook sites prove it.)

  • Strong, confident personalities attract strong individuals.

  • Those who take charge of the conversation control the process.

  • It’s not always about what you say; many times it’s more important how you say it.

This site teaches you what to say & how to say it »

When was the last time you really gave serious thought to the language you use? It is something that you really have to focus on; like anything worthwhile, implementing a success vocabulary will likely take some time & effort to bring about positive changes.  To this day, we constantly analyze our conversations in order to retrain our brain.

We're not going to go into every example here today. That’s an exercise for you to do at home as part of the analysis and learning process. We are going to a give you few examples that will assist you in getting the ball rolling.

Weak Word or Phrase #1: Maybe

Example: “Maybe you could share with us a little bit more about what you’re doing on the Internet?”

A better choice: Definitely
Example: “We would definitely like to learn a little more about you’re background and experience.

What is the first thing you think of when someone tells you “maybe”? Maybe is a very indecisive word used to avoid making a decision. Leaders make decisions.

Definite is a word of power, of authority, of decisiveness … a word that conjures up positive action. Definite is a “without a doubt” yes! There is no room for misinterpretation of what you think or mean when you use the word “definite.”

Do you want to follow someone who is not definite about what they want to achieve?

Weak Word or Phrase #2: Never

Example: “I’m never going to get this stuff!”

A better choice: Soon

Example: “I’m going to stay focused and will master all of this very soon!”

Never is a word of no future, no hope. It brings thoughts of inevitability and a lack of power or control to influence the outcome. The word never is used by people who watch things happen or let things happen.

When you hear soon, you think about excitement and eagerness for coming events. When you use the word soon, the person on the other end of the phone will be thinking that you can make things happen.

Do you want to align yourself with someone who lets things happen or someone who makes things happen?

Weak Word or Phrase #3: Problem

Example: I’m having this major problem getting my domain forwarding to work. I need your help!!!

A better choice: Challenge

Example: I’m having a small challenge with my domain forwarding. When can we schedule a time to work on it?

Every thing we encounter in life challenges us to rise above. The winners in life focus on solutions, whiners focus on the issue.

Weak Word or Phrase #4: Try

Example: “I’ll try to get to that this afternoon.”

A better choice: Will

Example: “I’ll have that completed and off to you this afternoon.”

Try is a very weak and non-committal word. When I hear someone use the word try, I’m thinking that they are going to give it a half-hearted attempt or go through the motions, but there is no guarantee that they are going to accomplish the task.

The word will is a very positive commitment to get things done. Try is a word of accomplishment and success.

Do you want to do business with someone who tries or someone who succeeds?

Weak Word or Phrase #5: I wish

Example: I wish I could sponsor somebody already!

A better choice: I am
Example: I am committed to doing what it takes to sponsor new members on my team!

I wish is a word that connotes lack of belief and lack of commitment. Again, it leaves you with a feeling of being powerless to impact the outcome or result; hence you have to wish for a result.

The phrase ‘I am’ leaves little room for doubt about your mindset, belief level and commitment. ‘I am’ is a phrase of empowerment and confidence.

Do you want to join us business with people who wish for success, or with people who are committed to success?

This site offers a professional Mentoring Program »

That's enough to get you started, to set the wheels in motion. The question for each of is, “What image are we projecting to the people we interact with. Are we a confident, empowered leader or a follower plagued by uncertainty and low self-confidence? You’re words tell the story!

To your success,
Patrick Burns

Thanks a Million$$$ Patrick & Ursula Unselfish Wealth

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