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E Howorth

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Help support our autism project
7/13/2008 9:29:01 AM
Hope Ezine today is our project (my son and I). We need support for the site  We advertise on and offline. Please stop by purchase an ad, autism awareness pin or my son's first book The Hollow Tree. This would really help. Where Awareness equals Hope
Lawrence Bergfeld

381 Posts
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Re: Help support our autism project
7/23/2008 8:52:56 PM

Overcomming Autism and Building A Network


As a child I went to the Albert Einstein Nursery School and was diagnosed with Autism. Despite having the diagnosis, I have done well in life. I have two bachelor's degrees, and I am tackling network marketing with the same expectation to succeed against the odds.


My mom did not let me go to special needs classes. Yet as a kid I was labeled as slow. I started to play baseball only when I was 11 years old because I had a lack of friends as a kid. I was so bad that I struck out so many times that I did not get a hit until I was 13. My third hit was a home run.


It is important to have a network no matter how smart or naive you are. You can't live without one. The people who are on any team especially sports teams like baseball learn to be leaders by following what the coach does. It is priceless.


If I was not told my my friend about signing up for baseball I probably would have never done anything with it throughout my childhood and would have less success in other areas in live. I could have been teased or avoided more frequently.


Fast forward to retirement. My dad was in a rehabilitation center and he saw the nurse yell at the guy he roomed with. His roommate was an 85 year old man with no autism. Imagine That?  Boy I feel sorry for him. Had he had the support of a bunch of people, this would less likely happen with him.

PS: Be A Mentor With A Servants Heart Lawrence Bergfeld 917-399-6207
Re: Help support our autism project
9/22/2008 12:36:41 AM


I visited the site and it is awesome. I am an RN and see so many of Lifes wonders affecting families. I would like to participate in helping you on your endevor. Keep up the wonderful work. Laura
