Hi Everyone,
There is a uVme Biz presentation tonight at 9pm EDT for anyone that would like to attend! Hear all about uVme's NEW Compensation plan, games, tournaments, and more.
Click on the following link to enter the conference room; http://virtualworlddirect.e-lectazone.com/tools/subscribea.asp?cid=262&roomid=2284
Would you just play to come and play some games and try your skills at them? uVme has even brought back a few oldies but goodies....remember Atari games? Come and challenge me for a game or two...my favorite game is Fruit Frenzy. Just send a challenge to uvmeNjamila..that is my username! I look forward to the challenge!! Check out the games here; http://www.uvme.com/uvmguest/default.aspx?m=EVO153397MM