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It’s time to get off the MLM merry go round
7/3/2008 9:10:23 AM
This is your opportunity to earn extra income while meeting new people, and it can be done along with any other business venture someone is involve with, it can be both enjoyable and profitable. MRM is here and it’s a NEW way to build an income here, a lot easier. MRM is not sales--You build income through conversation and invitation. A bit easier than sales. It does takes thought and work but people can do--this is-- through duplication. BETTER—Direct matches has been paying, many, people for about three years. The proof is in the results. Remember, you can still work your business and do this as well if you'd like. You can join FREE, but even at the executive level we're only talking about less than $30 monthly. Live support, Marketing tools avail.
Feel free to contact me lets network together for one common goal. Sincerely, Dorsey Garland

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