I want to introduce you to Maryanne Myers new site where you can build list and mail to it for 20.00 one time payment.
My list is now 143 people and I can
mail to them.
I would say that's a wow!
I didn't do this. Maryanne's site did this It's not magic. You can do this too.
The sooner you get in the faster and
bigger your list will grow.
Maryanne has set up a uniqe list building system here which you will love and it grows like weeds.
For 20.00 bucks. You gotta be nuts not to get in here and get in here fast.
Go get em :-)
To your Outrageous Success Online.
Kim Fazzolari
P.S. Full on, I just clicked refresh in my ZoomMoola account and now it's up to 148 people I can mail out too...very cool >>>