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Trina Sonnenberg

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Attitude and Action
6/20/2008 12:30:06 PM
Attitude and Action
Trina L.C. Sonnenberg

I remember a time, about 15 years ago, when my eldest son would take a little crocheted bag to bed with him; this coin purse sized bag was filled with small polished rocks. He was given this bag of rocks, by his step-mother, to keep bad dreams away.

You and I know that a little bag of rocks can do nothing to prevent bad dreams, but my boy didn't know any such thing, at the tender age of four. In his mind, all he knew was that he was doing something about what he perceived to be a problem... bad dreams. Whether or not the bag of rocks worked to keep bad dreams from his sleep, he felt good about the fact that he was problem solving, not just complaining or hoping that someone else would just fix it for him, or even hoping that if he ignored it it would go away on its own. He was being proactive. I'd even say that it was probably his attitude of action, more than anything, that lent to his restful sleep.

I get the same sense of accomplishment/satisfaction when I do what I do: righting wrongs when I am able, standing up for myself and others when I feel that I/They have been treated unfairly, and warning people about shady things, online and off. Just as I am not the type of person who can see a car accident and keep driving, I am not the kind of person who can see an injustice and pretend I didn't see it. I am a take action person. I feel good about the fact that I am doing something.

For example: Recently, I have become embroiled in local political affairs. I set out to exercise my right as a citizen, to object to something happening next door to my home. While investigating, attempting to stop this action, I found something I really didn't expect to find, at least not as obvious as it was. Something like this you'd think would've been better hidden from scrutiny, but it was pretty blatant. I found corruption involving the mayor of our fair town.

I found this information and felt that it should be exposed. I can't ignore it, and it most definitely will not go away on its own. So, I am attempting to do the right thing, and get others involved in righting this wrong. After all, the law was broken, and the people of this town have the right to know about it and do something about it.

However, my motivations have been called into question, by our mayor and her supporters, being that I have had past conflicts with the woman who is now our mayor; personal conflicts. Sadly, this detracts from the seriousness of what I am trying to say. My credibility is under attack, so the people aren't listening to what I'm saying, they're just wrapped up in the fact that I am the one who is saying it and who I am saying it about.

My reputation is very important to me; I've worked very hard at building a good one. Although it's been taking a beating, I will not yield. I believe that what I am doing is the right thing to do, regardless of what others may think and say. I am satisfied with the fact that I am doing something positive about something negative.

If you really believe in what you're doing, and you take positive action, you can't help but succeed. That success perpetuates itself, and you have to feel good about what you've done, especially if what you've accomplished has helped even one other person.

I don't like to see others taken advantage of; this is the problem. I try to expose those who would take advantage of others for who and what they are. This is my positive action. What is my reward? I am rewarded every time I receive an email, phone call, or I'm stopped in the street and someone says thank you. I know that what I've done has helped someone else.

Taking positive action, whether it be in personal matters, business dealings, or even politics is the only way to get the job done.

Copyright © 2008
The Trii-Zine Ezine

About the Author:
Trina L.C. Sonnenberg
Publisher - The Trii-Zine Ezine - Your Trusted Source for Internet Business and Marketing Information. Serving online professionals since 2001. ISSN# 1555-2276
Author of: My Journey A Lifetime of Verse
Internet Marketing Mavens
Keywords: motivation, attitude, action

Trina L.C. Sonnenberg Freelance Commercial Writer TLC Promotions & The Trii-Zine Ezine ISSN 1555-2276
Barbara Delgiudice

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Re: Attitude and Action
6/23/2008 12:49:24 PM

Thank you Trina.  This is an inspiring story :)



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