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Nick Sym

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Mother Natures Wrath
6/20/2008 1:14:36 AM

Mother Natures Wrath


God gave all females of this Blue Marble,

a very special role

To bring into this world,

a beautiful innocent soul


Life is drastically changed forever,

to care for the new bundle of joy

I wish we could do the same for this planet,

which we treat as a disposable toy


We do not feed our babies garbage,

or blow smoke into the little one’s face

The way we have treated Mother Nature,

is a terrible and unforgivable disgrace

 The proud lady is starting to fight back,

showing us her growing displeasure

With all the deaths and destruction,

her anger is getting harder to measure


Please show love and respect to the great Mother

as you would your very own

For as a race we only have one chance on this planet,

This planet we all call home.


By Nick Sym

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Peter Fogel

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Re: Mother Natures Wrath
6/20/2008 1:43:04 AM

Hey Nick,

Once again you hit the nail on the head. Beautiful poem that describes the majority of us perfectly.

The Indians sure understood what we all have to learn NOW before it's to late.

Thanks for sharing that with us.



Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Jill Bachman

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Re: Mother Natures Wrath
6/20/2008 2:07:16 AM

Hi Nick,

This is absolutely BEAUTIFUL and so timely.  It is time the world awakens to what we have done and what we can all do to fix our mother earth.

Here is a prayer I hope you do not mind my sharing.  It just seems so appropriate and I hope the whole world pays heed.

All Nations, All Faiths, One Prayer!

Following the birth of a White Buffalo Calf in 1994, the Keeper of the White Buffalo Calf Pipe for the Lakota, Dakota, Nakota Nations, Arvol Looking Horse, was directed to honor the Four Directions with ceremony on June 21st. According to Lakota Star Knowledge, the birth of Miracle, a female white buffalo, signaled a time of earth changes and the coming of the mending of the Hope of All Nations. The Summer Solstice is said to be a powerful time to pray for peace and harmony among all Living Beings. Grandmother Earth's gifts, the air, water plant, animal and rock nations must be allowed to heal if we are to live in harmony with Her.

All Nations recognize Sacred Sites as Places to gather or perform private ceremony. For countless generations these Sites were honored, cherished and strengthened through ceremony and Our Mother remained healthy. To ensure the lives of future generations for all our relations, we must begin again to honor, cherish and renew Our Mother.

For four years, beginning in 1996, Chief Looking Horse honored June 21st by offering ceremony in the Four Directions. He traveled to Gray Horn Butte in Wyoming (aka Devils Tower), the Cree Nation in Canada, Pipestone Quarry in Minnesota and to Costa Rica. People of all the Nations of the globe were invited to offer ceremony at Sacred Sites. Thousands around the world have responded and began honoring their local Sites. Following the Wopila (Thank-you ceremony) in the "Heart of Everything That Is," the Sacred Black Hills in 2000, it was decided that Chief Looking Horse must once again offer ceremony to the Four Directions of the globe. He began in Ireland in 2001, South Africa 2002, Australia 2003, and Japan in 2004. In 2005 the ceremony returned to the Black Hills to offer another Wopila on Turtle Island (North America) to complete his commitment to bring about awareness.

2006 and after… We are now promoting to create a mass awareness of “all nations, all faiths, one prayer” to encourage everyone to take time on June 21st and join in the united prayer/meditation to heal our Grandmother Earth.  Whether it is a Temple, Church Congregation, religious organization or Mosques, if people are gathering in communities, openly upon the earth or Sacred Sites, or just as one..........we can all make a difference.

 Bless you,  Jill
Nick Sym

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Re: Mother Natures Wrath
6/20/2008 2:07:43 AM
My Brother and Dear Friend Peter !

I am trying to cut back on the meds for pain and I am having a hard time sleeping and this poem popped in my head because our weather here in Canada is just going crazy and I thought if you treat a woman with disrespect you are going to get trouble and this is the payment we are getting back for the thousands of years of abuse !

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Nick Sym

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Re: Mother Natures Wrath
6/20/2008 2:47:38 AM

My Dear Sister Jill !

On Your 1000th page on

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