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A Poets Portal....featuring George Pope Morris
6/16/2008 11:37:11 AM

                           BOOK_Pen.gif book image by fawkesee 
                        A Poets Portal

                             GEORGE POPE MORRIS [1802-1864]

Also known as General Morris, was born in Philadelphia, USA. Journalist and poet, Morris was founder of the New York Mirror and associate editor of the HOme Journal Post. His poem , 'Woodman, Spare that tree' is Moriss's best known work.

                 This  poem is dedicated to our dear friend

                      Ana Maria Padurean, 
        and we all know dont we !!!! :-)


                Woodman Spare That Tree !

                           Woodman, spare that tree!
                           Touch not a single bough!
                           In youth it sheltered me,
                          And I'll protect it now.
                         'Twas my forefather's hand
                         That placed it near his cot;
                         There, woodman, let it stand,
                        Thy ax shall harm it not.

                        That old familiar tree,
                        Whose glory and renown
                       Are spread o'er land and sea--
                       And wouldst thou hew it down?
                       Woodman, forbear thy stroke!
                      Cut not its earth-bound ties;
                      Oh, spare that agèd oak
                     Now towering to the skies!

                     When but an idle boy,
                     I sought its grateful shade;
                     In all their gushing joy
                    Here, too, my sisters played.
                    My mother kissed me here;
                    My father pressed my hand--
                   Forgive this foolish tear,
                   But let that old oak stand.

                 My heart-strings round thee cling,
                 Close as thy bark, old friend!
                 Here shall the wild-bird sing,
                 And still thy branches bend.
                 Old tree! the storm still brave!
                 And, woodman, leave the spot;
                 While I've a hand to save,
                Thy ax shall harm it not.

Have fun all

much luv n blessings

your friend always

Pauline R
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Re: A Poets Portal....featuring George Pope Morris
6/16/2008 11:49:16 AM
Hi Pauline,

Lovely poem and very nice of you to dedicate it to my good friend and partner Anamaria.

All the best & Shalom,

Peter Fogel
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Re: A Poets Portal....featuring George Pope Morris
6/16/2008 12:08:52 PM
That is wonderful.
Re: A Poets Portal....featuring George Pope Morris
6/16/2008 12:48:34 PM

Thank you Pauline, here is my own contribution:

When heaven kisses earth

It´s dynamic, it´s strong feelings
I am aware of the mighty sphere in the air.
But I am also aware of the danger.
The feelings turn to grey, and the worries are here.

I stand at shallow waters, the sea is roaring.
It´s the place of all sorts of enemies.
I feel like an abandonded ship, which is seeking
its crew to take place again.

Will this ship find its destination again?
Can I see any other ship heading for this lonely island?
Will I ever be able to kiss my woman once again?
I bow down on my knees, and kisses earth myself.

It comes quietly, but it surely comes.
Now heaven kisses earth.
The crew is back again; piece, joy and happiness.
The feelings turn to light, and I`m not abandoned anymore.

Mattias Kroon Affiliate Creative Marketer
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Re: A Poets Portal....featuring George Pope Morris
6/16/2008 1:04:18 PM
Thank you so much for inviting me to your forum and sharing this poem. I also enjoyed the other contribution. One of my favorite things about being part of a community is the ability to share and learn. Isn't this a great place?! Take care.
Cheers, Bev Advertising that actually pays you!

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