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Merry Makowski

134 Posts
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Adland Community is great, but TokSee is The Greatest!
6/14/2008 9:37:32 PM

Adland Community is great, but TokSee is The Greatest!


TokSee just lunched and already is the most advanced Social Network in the World!


Totally Customizable Social Community That ROCKS!"



Why don’t you take a brake from what you are doing and go there to post your profile?  TokSee community is completely free and it will definitely help you build your on-line presence and will enrich everything what you are doing on the Internet.  Their web 3.0 technology is more than amazing and with their just released free unified communication widgets they are on the mission to connect the world. 


Will you join them in their mission and at the same time benefit from doing it?


Hoping to befriend you soon inside this brand new social portal,




Merry Makowski


(The link under my name will bring you straight to my TokSee profile, post there yours too!)

I want to fly high with SFI, care to fly with me… You might say “But to fly, we must first learn to stand and walk and run and climb and dance; one cannot fly into flying. “ Of course one cannot, but together we can :-)

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