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Kathleen Vanbeekom

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Comparison of Earnings Potential of SFI and LOTTO MAGIC:
6/10/2008 8:25:48 AM

YOU Can Earn $95,000 YEARLY from LOTTO MAGIC by Doing the SAME AMOUNT OF WORK it would take to earn only $1,362 YEARLY from SFI:

Lots of people join SFI because it's free to join, I joined and then I took a good look at the Income Calculator for being an Executive Affiliate and getting 1 EA monthly and if everyone in my group just gets 1 EA monthly...we'll each earn a "whopping" $36 monthly by our SIXTH MONTH ($432 yearly) and $110.52 monthly by our 12th MONTH ($1,362.24 yearly)  To become an EA would cost approximately $30 monthly (10 sales volume points), we can either pay that ourselves or hope to sell 10 SV worth of product monthly. 

If you were a Team Captain in Lotto Magic and get just 1 Captain signed up monthly and if each person in your group just signs up 1 Captain monthly, we'll each earn nearly $8,000 monthly starting between our 6th to 12th month (about $95,000 yearly, plus have lots of tickets in each twice-weekly Florida lottery drawing).  To be a Lotto Magic Team Captain costs $50 monthly, that's nearly double of what it would cost you to be an EA in SFI...BUT you can earn almost a $100,000 yearly income from Lotto Magic by doing the same amount of work, just getting 1 signup monthly.  Would you rather earn $1,362 yearly from SFI or $95,000 yearly from Lotto Magic by getting 1 signup monthly?

NO CONTEST!!!  With just 5 sign-ups of Team Captains per person, per level, and that's ALL, just 5 ever, we will each earn nearly $8,000 monthly from Lotto Magic, that's about $95,000 yearly.

===>>>Can you get just 1 person to sign up as a Team Captain in Lotto Magic every month for a full year?  If each member gets 12 signups of Team Captains, then we'll each earn $500,000 monthly, that's $6,000,000 yearly.

===>>>If we each just make 9 signups of Team Captains, thru all 5 levels, that would amount to $1,500,000 yearly. 

===>>>All you need to do is tell people about it...this is the only business that also gives you the potential to become a MULTI-MILLIONAIRE twice every week by participating in a lottery pool of worldwide  members all playing the Florida lottery together.  If any of your downliners wins, you get 10% of their winnings.  If you have hundreds or thousands of downliners, and there are dozens or hundreds of winning tickets twice every week, you get 10% of all those winnings!

P.S.  Lots of members get 5 or more Lotto Magic signups within their first month.  I just wanted to show you the income comparison between SFI, which is heavily touted all over the internet, and Lotto Magic, which is quickly becoming more well-known, and for good reason!

This is the basic site that's included with membership in Lotto Magic:

This is the optional Powerpak site that costs an additional $10 monthly and has the 9-minute online audio explaining the pay plan and lottery payout structure:



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