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Kathleen Vanbeekom

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How YOU Can Get 50% of Potentially 1,000's of Other Peoples' CLICKBANK COMMISSION$:
6/8/2008 2:09:39 PM

You really want to join CB PRO ADS as a Pro member, because then each time someone signs up as a free member thru your link, half of their links on their CB PRO ADS storefronts and numerous other CB PRO ADS advertisements will have YOUR Clickbank ID in them.  Eventually you could have 1,000's of free members under you, all advertising for CB PRO ADS, and their visitors will be able to click on YOUR links and purchase Clickbank products from YOU thru other peoples' advertising efforts! 

Plus, you can earn 50% commissions when people decide to become Pro Members in CB PRO ADS thru your link.  I earned back my membership cost almost immediately when my first few Pro members signed up!

You can also add your own banners to your storefront, a vertical and horizontal banner.  These can be your Google Adsense ads or banners from any other businesses you're in.

Sign up for CB PRO ADS here as a Pro Member, it will be one of the best decisions you'll make this year!

Here's what your storefront will look like, those are my Googles near the bottom, the 160x600 vertical and 728x90 horizontal:

P.S.  Those of you who already joined as free members, upgrade to Pro so ALL the links in your ads and on your storefront will be YOURS and you'll also earn 50% commissions when other people join as Pro thru you!  Log in to your CB PRO ADS site and upgrade from there!  You deserve to earn ALL your Clickbank commissions, not just half!  It's well worth the cost to upgrade to Pro!  If you're not advertising heavily or if you posted your ads near the bottom of your sites, start advertising more and move your ads up to the top of your really DOES make a difference!!


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