Have you ever wished you could talk to someone
personally who is really,
truly, living their dream Online?
Would you take advantage of it, if you could?
A lot of people on the internet claim to be making a
six figure income and living that dream but, how many
are honestly making that kind of money?
How many are multi-millionaires? How many of
those have you talked
to personally and picked their brain?
How many of those people can you call their house
and talk to them
personally and it doesn't cost you
a coaching fee?
I have decided to let you in on a little secret...
My mentor and good friend, Val Smyth, is going
to personally talk with anyone desiring to be successful.
Val Smyth, is a multi millionaire and a master at
marketing. He has been doing network
marketing for 29 years. He is an expert in the field.
MIM - Mentors In Motion, just launched this past
Monday and is taking
off like a rocket!
Now is your chance to meet with the owner,
himself, Val Smyth and learn
from him as he
explains what this fantastic new program is all about.
Also, you will have the opportunity to ask Val any
questions you might have about this or anything else.
Then read your e-mail for business briefing call
times. Make sure
you are on a LIVE call with Val...
When was the last time you got to talk personally
with an honest to
goodness, multi-millionaire, who is
a the master of network marketing and
have him
answer your questions for free?
How many truly, successful, business owners would
do that, period?
One of the keys to being successful, is learning
from those who already
are so, I hope you will take
advantage of this special opportunity.
You cannot be around Val and not learn something.
No matter what business you may be in, Val, can
help you take it to the
next level.
Val and I are both here to help you be successful!
Skype: pcheflady