Question From Richard McCullough:
Why is Benjamin Franklin smiling?
You will be smiling too when you read what En101 now has to offer!
Earn $100 (USD)!*
We are both exhausted - and proud - here at En101 headquarters with the launching of the Exciting, New Ameri-Pak PLUSPackage!
Without all the hype, I will simply explain the program…
Enroll a person… Earn $100 USD!
It’s that simple.
Send the person to (for instant access), or send them to your En101 website and tell them to click the AmeriPak button.
What are the contents of the package?
Check out your website, there is way too much to list here!
No other program on the planet can offer this type of incentive!
Of course, as with any En101 product, you will also earn points and a dollar amount is put in the team pool.
Many of you have told me that you wanted an opportunity to kick your business off in the U.S… well here’s your chance!
So get busy earning those Benjamins!
To your success,
*Introductory promotion… $100 USD Fast Start Bonus, 4 Points and $60 goes into the pool! Terms and conditions subject to be enhanced or modified after the introductory promotion. Based on paid enrollments.