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Flag of John Leal

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We Need To Change Our Behavior
6/3/2008 2:19:06 AM


Down here in OZ higher and higher petrol prices are forcing our hand to drastically change our motoring habits. I believe it's the same in America, not to mention the UK where motorists virtually need to swap a kidney for a full tank. This forced shift in driving habits must begin with making the right decision when buying a new vehicle. Why people continue to purchase those huge wank-tanks (4WDs) is beyond me. The're the monstrous heaps of metal that use one and a half parking bays at K-Mart. Most of them have what's called a "nudge bar" in front to repel recalcitrant pedestrians or pensioners who creep across the pedestrian crossing like a snail on Valium. Mind you, some of the prams women push nowadays are bigger than a small car. Some have racks on top with enough room to carry a surfboard.

The second change in motoring habits begins on the highway. Ever wondered when you're driving at or just below the speed limit why you're alone for minutes at a time. It's because the nearest bunch of speedsters have raced up behind you and gone. Take a look in your rear-vision mirror and you'll notice the next bunch, who were the last lot caught at the lights, rapidly gaining. There's always a lead car a hundred metres or so ahead of the bunch. He seems to be bring the main group up to where you are and then they fly past. You're alone again. 

No one drives at the speed limit except you. Why is this? Will driving habits change, or will motorists just prefer to miss a meal or two so they can still fill up the tank? Does anyone know the answer to these questions? Does anyone care?

Fine print: The author hopes he hasn't given the impression he's paranoid about 4WDs|SUVs.


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Re: We Need To Change Our Behavior
6/3/2008 10:16:28 AM

Hi John,

The higher the price of Gasoline goes, the happier I am that I work from home on a Computer.  Of course, when I do venture out onto the highways and byways, I do run into my share of aggressive driversbut then again, don't we all?

I won't even get started on SUV's and worse yet Hummers, though I did see a good Billboard just the other day...

I just take some solace in the fact that their days are numbered, as the cost to fillup their tank, exceeds the cost of their monthly Car Payment...

Before I get too stressed out about it, I simply let my mind wander back to those wonderful days, when men were men, cars were REALLY cars, and Gas was $.25 per gallon...

Have A Happy Week,


“There may be trouble all around, but I am calling you to a place of peace. Be still and know that I am God. Come to Me, and I will give you wisdom, strength, and grace for everything you face." Psalm 46:10
Re: We Need To Change Our Behavior
6/3/2008 6:26:06 PM

Yep, we're getting pinched!  In this part of Florida the county is having to combine/delete/ otherwise mess with the public bus system due to the price of gas.  So at the very time that ridership is on the increase here, the amount of buses on the road has to decrease!  Is that an oxymoron or a 'catch-22'?

I've been a bus rider for many years now, and I leave a very small carbon footprint in my daily life.  But a whole lot of people are becoming outraged that they are having to pay the higher prices.  I don't see many giving up their cars or other toys, however.  Not bad enough yet for them, I guess.... 


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Re: We Need To Change Our Behavior
6/3/2008 7:36:26 PM
Yes Phil, I had to grimace smile the other day at the pump when I pulled in to fill up beside a bloke with a wank-tank. He was there when I pulled up and he was still filling up when I got back from paying for my fuel. I bit my tongue...
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Re: We Need To Change Our Behavior
6/3/2008 7:42:38 PM
Lorraine, I caught my first bus for many years the other day and thoroughly enjoyed the experience. To just sit there and watch the driving behavior outside was hilarious. I'm convinced most drivers know bugger-all how to drive on roundabouts.

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