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It Creates Water Out of Thin Air
6/2/2008 8:04:18 PM
Thanks Ken, Appreciate the invite.

Creates Great Tasting Water produced from the moisture in the air.
 No Water line necessary or special wiring, just plug it in!
 Never spend another dime on overpriced, overhyped bottle water!
 Helps the Environment by helping to eliminate plastic water bottles pollution.
 Costs as little as $.08 per Gallon!
 Water stays fresh and never goes stale!

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

Flag of Ken Wolff

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Re: It Creates Water Out of Thin Air
6/2/2008 8:29:19 PM
Looks great Jim!  Helping the environment and improving health.  We all need lots of good water.  You have the first post in this forum and I am proud to support your cause.  ;-)  Ken

Ken Wolff

The Soaring Eagle Team
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Re: It Creates Water Out of Thin Air
6/3/2008 1:08:37 AM
Breast Cancer Awareness On My Site! Free exposure that works
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Today's Deal from ULearn2Earn JIM
6/22/2008 4:13:12 PM

Today's Deal from ULearn2Earn JIM

I am having a Ball with the Massive Summer Giveaway!  Folks are getting some great tools, useful software and some awesome memberships at the Massive Summer Giveaway!

We are living in the information-age, the more you know, the
more you will earn. This is especially true for self-employed
internet marketers. We have to know how new technologies
like blogging, SEO, web 2.0 and viral-marketing works so we can compete with others.

Today you have the chance to get a huge collection of
information for nothing!

At the Massive Summer Giveaway, famous internet marketers are giving away their best products for absolutely nothing. You can get these and learn from their secret strategies!

No need to purchase all these eBooks, get them here:

Be sure to Check out their Special Upgrade Offer, it's well
worth it.

Jim Allen III

Admin ULearn2Earn



Contact Me:

Tags: people, study to achieve results, successful, take action

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

Flag of Jim Allen

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Re: It Creates Water Out of Thin Air
6/23/2008 6:50:45 PM

Hello Folks,

Hope your Memorial Day weekend has been Safe, Fun and full of Remembrance and Celebrations.

This has been in development for 16 months!!!

All systems appear to be a GO!

Join Now Beta Launch!

Yes you can be one of the FIRST!

It's called Fair Ads Network. And it makes sense considering everything they've done to ensure not only the advertiser benefits as much as possible, but also the publisher. There's no more unfair practices where the publisher gets the boot every so often without warning and there's no more over-populated ads from the advertiser and wasting their money.

I predict, in just the next several weeks, you'll hear about people becoming a FAN and not because they're some popular rock band or well known celebrity, but because everyone is falling for their fair treatment. It's undeniable.

FAN introduces the first ad network of its kind. You can earn an income regardless of whether you sign up as a publisher or an advertiser. In fact, you can register as both! They didn't stop there though, you can even transfer your funds back and forth as you please! They give you total control of everything.

FAN is a very unique species in that they MAKE you be active without putting a gun to your head, just so you can continue to make money every single month. The strategies and concepts applied to this ad network is beyond human and should be investigated by NASA. Before they do though, perhaps you should scurry on over there first.

Another reason to go now is because they are only accepting a limited number of members! They are partnered with 2 multi-million dollar companies and backed by a handful of millionaires. They would not have that kind of support if the potential is not there.

From one FAN member to a soon-to-be FAN, see you on the inside!

Jim Allen III

ULearn2Earn Social Networking Community


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Safety Harbor, FLA. 34695

International Mentors Club

PS: Helpful places and folks:

GIMS Report Online
Global Internet Marketing Solutions

Need to help your organization raise some funds?
Pay for band or club trips and or participation in major events such as parades, bowl games and other types of events that your organization would like to contribute.
These Can cost a lot a money.

YOU Can help your favorite Charity

Our Master Mind Room

Safe Email Marketing

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success


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