
Now Launching in 30 Countries! MLM with $40 Billion Internet Giant! Get In Now!
5/28/2008 4:46:40 PM

Now Launching! Hot MLM with $40 Billion Internet Giant! Top Spots Going Fast! Act Now!

3 MLM industry legends are "spilling the beans" on a major, new launch and you’re one of the first to know!

Experts are calling it "the ultimate network marketing opportunity," a groundbreaking program that involves a well known Internet giant (market cap $40 billion!) and which is now being launched in 30 countries, and the best part is there’s NO COMPETITION! None! Zero! Zilch!

Over 3 years in development, we’re introducing a proprietary and patent pending breakthrough that downloads in seconds which will revolutionize online search, online shopping, and buying and selling on Ebay, all at once, and the best part is we get to give this revolutionary Ebay certified software away, absolutely FREE! That's right! Free!

Can you say "no brainer?" But wait! There’s more! Who do you know that owns a computer? Does online searches through Google or Yahoo? Shops online? Buys or sells on Ebay? Likes to save time and money? Just about everybody you know, that’s who, including yourself, and just about everybody that you don’t know!

Women are going to love this! (They like to shop!) Men are going to love this because their wives end up spending less when they go shopping online thanks to this amazing "tool!" LOL...And both you and your spouse are going to love the extra cash you can put in your pockets for giving this remarkable new breakthrough away, absolutely FREE!

Ebay will pay YOU everytime someone you give this software to goes online, does a search, and uses it to buy something online via Ebay’s e-commerce platform.  (Last year they did $59 billion!)

But wait! It gets even better! You can build an army of people who give away this software breakthrough absolutely FREE and earn up to hundreds, thousands, tens of thousands of dollars a month or more in our innovative 3x5 matrix which features affiliate overrides, infinity pay, 100% matching bonuses, and more! In fact, all total there's about 7 different ways you can make money!

This dwarfs all the social networking website deals, online games deals, online personal development programs, online malls, get paid to surf deals, and other Internet related MLM opportunities put together! In fact, eBay does more business in one day than all those opportunities combined will do in years!

And all those ads you’re reading talking about Web 2.0-Forget it! Web 2.0 isn’t anything unique and it’s already outdated! This is Web 3.0 on steroids!

The question isn’t whether your computer is making you money-the question is whether other people’s computers are making you money!

Why is this going to create the next explosive growth opportunity and attract the masses in record breaking time? Here’s 10 powerful reasons why:

1) NO products to stock, sell, or deliver!
2) NO websites to have to set up and run!
3) Give away our revolutionary new product to consumers for FREE!
4) NO large financial risk! (Small one time sign up fee and just $29 a month!)
5) 7 ways to make money featuring our innovative 3x5 matrix with affiliate overrides, 100% matching bonuses, and more!                                              
6) Build a business in 30 countries to start!
7) Automated online system with daily calls does the presenting, selling, recruiting, follow up and training for you!                                                               
8) Sponsor and work directly with several legendary network marketing industry leaders (over 600,000 distributors and sales of more than $2 billion in their previous 3 companies)                                             9) Groundfloor opportunity!                                        10) Everyone knows who Ebay is and everybody loves FREE! HELLOOOOOOOO!

So if you’re tired of internet deals that are a dime a dozen, and lots of competition when it comes to pills, potions, lotions, creams, anti-aging this and exotic fruit juice that, telcom deals, travel deals, gas pills, and who knows what else, if you’re tired of having to sell and convince, then you’re going to love this!

After all, it doesn’t get any easier than giving something of value away, absolutely FREE! Now, that’s easy to duplicate!

Top spots are going to go fast on this one, so for maximum spillover, act now! The longer you wait, the farther down in the matrix you'll end up, so take immediate action!

Thousands will be joining daily from over 30 countries-the question is how many of them will end up below you?

Join #1 team led by several legendary network marketing leaders and internet marketing pros, one of whom will be your personal sponsor!

This is your chance to be in at the beginning of the next explosive growth phenomenon and to cash in big, or you can have friends down the road wonder "What were you thinking? You had a chance to be in at the beginning of the opportunity involving eBay and you passed? Boy, that was stupid. Wish I could have been one of the first ones to know about it and positioned near the top!"

For more information, to watch a short 3 minute movie, and to get the next best available position, click on the link below now!


P.S. My 2 partners and I (combined groups of over 600,000 distributors and sales of more than $2 billion in our previous 3 companies) have never seen a more exciting, legitimate, and lucrative internet oriented network marketing opportunity! Everyone in the world knows who Ebay is! And everybody loves FREE! If this isn't the biggest no brainer ever, we don't know what would be!

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Re: Now Launching in 30 Countries! MLM with $40 Billion Internet Giant! Get In Now!
5/29/2008 6:01:13 PM
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