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Robert De Merode

669 Posts
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Over use of the PM kills the PM!
5/27/2008 7:42:54 AM


I have no idea about how others appreciate getting two or three, sometimes very many more, private messages daily about the big deal to absolutely must join TODAY.

There are hundreds of deals all over the place, and it is not because you or I are or hoping to doing fine with some of them, that every one and their grandmother must join under me.

I would like to hint about there being some very good forums that propose very interesting investment and or free deals for those that are interested.

The trouble about private messaging all your “friends” (and more) is making it simply impossible for those who wish to contact someone for something specific to hope for a reply due to the huge amount of irrelevant messages that are sitting there.

To me the private message option is for private messages, and I do not see, without an acrobatic mind how a business proposition fits into this.

No personal attack here just me shouting out, because this tendency does not help for staying on focus! and seems to get worse by the day.

Friendly regards,


Phillip Black

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Re: Over use of the PM kills the PM!
5/27/2008 8:40:27 AM

Hi Robert,

Thanks for speaking out on what is indeed a growing problem.  I have actually gotten to the point of only checking my PMs about once a week, since most of the time, 95% are not really PMs to start with, but simply misguided Ads, which of course, are deleted without even being read.

As you said, there are many, many Avenues for advertising here at Adland, such as the Forums.  Unfortunately, I don't believe that most people really understand or realize what a tremendous Resource they have here.  It's really a shame that they alienate people with a barrage of PMs/Ads, and never really achieve any measure of success for their efforts.

Once again, thanks for speaking out and trying to help.

Have An Awesome Week,




“There may be trouble all around, but I am calling you to a place of peace. Be still and know that I am God. Come to Me, and I will give you wisdom, strength, and grace for everything you face." Psalm 46:10
Robert De Merode

669 Posts
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Person Of The Week
Re: Over use of the PM kills the PM!
5/29/2008 8:59:42 AM

Thank you Phil for your reply,

So I am not the only one with this consideration! ;-)

Wishing you a great day as well!



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