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Art Exhibitions at Adlandpro #28
5/26/2008 12:28:30 AM

It is our pleasure to bring you the

Arts Exhibitions
at Adlandpro

An on-line exhibition of work by Artists and Craftsmen at Adlandpro
(A new exhibition every three weeks)

Exhibition No. 28
The work of our new very talented friend Jamie Shelton

Jamie answered my post for artists. I love his work and am very happy that he has agreed to show it. Jamie has been a member of Since Novermber 2006.
If he is not on your friends list please invite him.

About the Artist
From the day that Jamie's older brother placed a simple pencil in his hand at the age of three, Jamie promptly proceeded to draw on nearly everything he came across (including his brother's grammar school diploma). Ever since then, Jamie has quietly & carefully honed an artistic eye for realism matched by very few, & a sense of the creative that placed him in heavy demand as an artist at an early age, all without ever having spent so much as a single day in any formal art training.

By the time he was a teenager, Jamie had already won numerous awards in art fairs & competitions in his native Chicago, while beginning a successful career as a young freelance professional artist. Among Jamie’s numerous accomplishments was an invitation to exhibit in France’s prestigious Salons des Paris, the youngest artist (at 18) to be so honored at the time.

Detoured by personal events, Jamie had to abruptly abandon visual art as an occupation to embark on what would eventually become a full blown career in the hospitality field that would consume most of the next 20 years. While he was able to take on periodic design, portraiture & cartoon work over the course of that time, Jamie's production throughout the remainder of the 80s & most of the 90s was sporatic & undistinguished. But as the internet craze gave rebirth to thriving art & graphic design industries, talented artists that could produce original, distinctive work were once again in high demand. Jamie gradually saw an opportunity to return to his first love stronger than ever before, while adding newly learned desktop publishing & flash animation skills to his repertoire.

Ever the artist entrepreneur, Jamie has been amassing a volume of new charcoal & pencil work to unveil as a comprehensive pin-up sketch collection on, slated to launch August 2008. Jamie will introduce new color work to accompany the masterful collage work of his brother, Gametheorist, on, slated to re-launch in late summer 2008. Excited to be back doing what he loves most, Jamie's current plans for his art have few limits, if any. Jamie lives & works in Chicago, & is available for commissions & art & design consultation. His online portfolio can be found on

The Arts Exhibitions Team:


Flag of Rose Enderud

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Re: Art Exhibitions at Adlandpro #28
5/26/2008 12:42:01 AM
Hello Everyone,
I know you are going to enjoy Jamie's work as much as I do.
Jamie thank you for allowing us to share your work with all our  Adland friends.
Flag of Jill Bachman

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Re: Art Exhibitions at Adlandpro #28
5/26/2008 3:49:02 AM

Hi Rose, Jenny and Venerina,

Thank you for such a valuable forum and sharing Jamie's beautiful work!


You talent is outstanding, and I so enjoyed viewing all of your art work including your online portfolio. 

I loved reading your "About Me" page.  Keep up the wonderful work and dedication to your life's mission.

Cheers,  Jill

Flag of Sarah Pritchard

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Re: Art Exhibitions at Adlandpro #28
5/26/2008 3:49:35 AM
Hello Rose et al,

Jamie, I have just sent you an invitation to be friends. I hope you say yes to my two requests on the invitation.

What a great talent you have been blessed with.

There is so much life in your work.

Thank you for sharing.

Angel cuddles,


Angel Cuddle Cafe Empowering You to Live with Ease in Love, Joy and Abundance Angel Cuddle Publishing Angel Cuddle Trails Click here with your ghostwriting needs
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Re: Art Exhibitions at Adlandpro #28
5/26/2008 4:54:22 AM
Hello Rose and Art Exhibitions team :-)

Wow, I'm happy to be here in time and not saving this link yet again for a later time! I have a few already waiting for me...

Thank you for introducing us Jamie, who show with his works that his really gifted! I've sent him my greeting and an invite to be friends.

Jamie, your works are beautiful! The most I liked the

Wish you the most of success and luck as in this field is always needed :-)

With lots of friendship,

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