Yeah yeah I know. My mom is all over the place. at clickbank, google, all that. And building new websites seems to be her obsession. she should be a site designer full time. also looking for leakproof Clickbank programs. Most of the the clickbank stuff is how to best use google to make money with clickbank. Clickbank is free, googling is not, I'm talking about paid Google ppc ads. So then its not really free unless you advertise for free. I think when the dust clears, we're putting full focus back on Lotto Magic. That's a real consistent money maker, if more people on the internet would sit down and add it up, it's not free to join BUT it does bring in a consistent monthly with something people already spend a lot on, lottery tickets. Instead of all the overpriced vitamin poo that first says they are free to join and then stiff you with daily messages about how you should spend $30+ monthly on vitamins when most people wouldnt do that anyway. (SFI) and looking at the income calculator from that company, it would take 5 signups every month for SFI to amount to a $5,000 monthly income in 2 YEARS when it would only take 5 signups with Lotto Magic, JUST 5 EVER, each person on each level, to amount to $7,900 monthly, and that could be much faster. definitely wouldnt take 2 yrs if ppl would bust a move. I've been earning good with Lotto for several months, riding my bike to the bank, HA! The bank tellers seem miffed that a skinny kid on a bike is making easier money than they are. Parking my bike IN the bank lobby, this neighborhood no one asks why I take my bike IN the bank. One moment equals no more bike.