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Tired Of The High Cost Of Legal Fees???
5/19/2008 1:36:04 PM



Have you ever wondered what government agency to talk to about a particular issue?

Have you ever wished you had help enforcing written or implied warranties on goods you’ve leased or purchased?

Have you ever needed small claims court advice?

Have you been meaning to prepare your will and powers of attorney but have not gotten around to it?

Have  you ever had a legal question but did not want to pay the hourly fees most attorneys charge?


My name is Laurie Conroy and I have recently been introduced to a service that I would like to share with you.  A prepaid legal plan is a low cost, comprehensive solution for individuals and families.  Through a low monthly membership fee, you would have access to quality lawyers to help resolve and answer you legal question.  I have enclosed a brochure which I urge you to look at.  The information my help your family!

Laurie Conroy  613-933-2596   or visit


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