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Free! Start making an easy residual income
5/9/2008 5:08:58 PM
The famous network ContactThem just offered to pay any website owner
up to $4,800/month to show their banner ad on their website!

And listen to this: Even if you choose to remove their banner ad from
your website after one month of exposure, they'll keep on paying you
that amount every month afterward!

Read the article:

This is a great business for many reasons:

<Free to join
<Residual Income
<Promote 1 marketing Software that is very unique and generates awsome leads
<Can make up to 10 levels deep
<Because Affiliates join free, it's easy to build.
<Many URl's to choose from
<The ads for your website are designed similar to Google Adsense ads so they won't appear out of place.

My first week I was at $60 residual income. Not bad when I never had much luck with anything else.
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