When people see me, they think I have always been thin, but that is definitely not the case. When I was little, I was thin, but I started gaining weight in high school and kept going up during college. I got gallbladder problems and I hated the way I looked and felt.
After college, I started looking for ways to lose weight and get fit, without using diet pills and expensive equipment. I started eating a lot healthier and I started a running and lifting weights program. I started losing weight and getting fit. It was an awesome feeling. All through out my first pregnancy I exercised and ate fairly healthy, and after I had my baby I was able to lose the weight gained very quickly. I actually got in better shape after my first baby, then I was before having him. It was amazing!
I also exercised during my second pregnancy and I made sure I ate healthy the whole time I was pregnant. Again, I lost the weight quickly after I had her. I kept up my exercise program after having my little girl four years ago, but I wanted to do something different. I read that walking was real good exercise, so I started walking an hour a day. It was good for my heart, but I needed something more to tone and firm me up. That is when I found a company called BeachBody. Wonderful company!! I joined as a coach and and as a Club member seven months ago and have never looked back. My body-fat percentage went from fluctuating between 21 and 24% to an amazing 13-14% in just a few months of dancing to Shaun T.'s Hip Hop Abs video series. Now I have also included Yoga Booty Ballet to continue to help me to tone up. I love being able to tone and firm and keep building muscle by just grooving my way to fitness every morning. Exercise has never been this much fun before for me! I am very greatful that I was introduced to the BeachBody products and am proud to be a coach for Team BeachBody, telling others about their wonderful weightloss revolution program.
Along the way, I have learned 4 things that help keep me fit and healthy (BTW, I haven't gotten sick in over 2 years now):
1. Eat healthy and supplement with high-quality supplements, made with wholefoods.
2. Exercise 5-6 days a week (make it a habit)
3. Use only non-toxic products
4. Get enough rest at night so my body can repair itself.
Get fit and stay fit and healthy for life - it is definitely possible! Send me a PM or stop by my healthsite sometime which I made to help people in the best way I can =) The link to it is http://www.MirdzasHealthSite.com