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Why you should NOT use list builder sites ...
5/5/2008 1:17:17 AM
Hello everyone,

I'm not saying don't use list building sites, but, here's a big reason not to give them a real email addy. Especially your email addy registered to Paypal, Alertpay, C2O or any other payment source.

I ran a test of using an email JUST for the list building site. Within a week that email get a notice from Paypal to update your account or have it frozen. Well, as you can detect, That email addy wasn't tied to any account on Paypal. Only with the list building site.

So when you want to build your list I recommend staying away from them or at least create an email just for that purpose. Remember, when you join to build a list you become part of that list for others as well.

Think safety. Network wisely and with a real product.

Best to you.

Kenneth R Sword Jr

Re: Why you should NOT use list builder sites ...
5/5/2008 7:13:03 AM


I have a question pertaining to the list builders.

When a person joins one of these are they going to be building a list of other marketers that want to market their product or business, or will the list be made up of people that do not have a business and are searching for one?

Can a person build a list pertaining to a certain hobby or interest, where they can communicate back and forth?

Then there is the question of what happens to all of your contacts when a person becomes discouraged after paying out money and not seeing the results that was promised.

I just done a quick search on Yahoo (List Builders) and it showed there were 94,400,000 references to the key words!  Just where would a person start, if they wanted to get good results?


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Re: Why you should NOT use list builder sites ...
5/5/2008 7:26:07 AM
Hi Kenneth,

Thank you for this information . I have had similar experiences with list building programs. Having said that .. I would like to through in my two cents out for what that is worth lol

When you join list building programs you are not only joining their list but doing much of the work for them building it as well not for yourself but for them. That is how the so call "GURUS" have built massive list for them selves on the work of the backs of others.


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Re: Why you should NOT use list builder sites ...
5/5/2008 8:59:12 AM
Hello Kenneth,

You are so right. I have noticed this myself. They are very good emails that often look just like a real Paypal email. One has to be very careful.

I've also noticed with the list builders that many of the email addresses that are given are false ones. People obviously want our email addresses but don't want our emails in return.

Angel cuddles,

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Re: Why you should NOT use list builder sites ...
5/5/2008 10:28:23 AM
James, you ask some good questions here.

Usually list building sites are attractive to the newby to marketing and thus they get lured in. Some veterans see this as a way to get leads, too.

The real thing that happens is whoever joins these becomes part of the site owner's mailing list. Bottom line.

You send whatever you want according to the site but you are marketing to marketers again. So most all emails go to the delete category.

Building a list is actually easy and doesn't require some list builder program site to do it for you. But, you do need to know what your target market is. Once you focus on the commonality of people to product then you will get somewhere.

Example is everyone loves pizza. So I could and should be able to get many people to buy pizza or at least sign up for future offers.

Now here's the catch. I only sell pizza that is made with no tomato sauce and anchovies are on every pizza. Well, this doesn't appeal to most pizza lovers so my product really isn't what they will want.

So most marketers do this same type of concept. They didn't look at what the people want. Marketers just push what they can to people and most people DON'T want it. This is why they often revert to downline builders and all.

If business people did their due diligence to finding out what people are really willing to buy they would have an instant list in no time.

Thanks for posting James.
