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Tasha Palmer

268 Posts
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What Would Happen If You Got Laid Off Tomorrow?..
4/30/2008 1:26:52 PM

I Got a Question For Ya...

Would you been financially stable if you got laid off tomorrow?

HMMMMM? Great Question Right? Think About It...

As you think about that...Read This...

A buddy of mine got laid off yesterday from his J-O-B.

No Worries Though...

Because he has been working with me for the last 60 days...

And Guess What...

He was able to stuff his bank account with a spare $33,000

Wow! -- Not Bad For His First 60 Days...


It got me thinking though... if you got laid off from your job tomorrow...

How long can you keep your head above water before you sink?

Think about that...

It's amazing how many people work at a regular 9-5 job and have no
financial plans.

You gotta have a plan...

When you join my team, not only are you shown how to make M0NEY FAST...

I also show you how to CREATE WEALTH & SUSTAIN IT!

Who wants to work for a company for 20+ years and either...

A) Get laid off


B) Retire with a small or non existent pension?

Why do either of those when you know there is a better way?

You can retire on paper within 1-2 years of joining my team if
you really desire it.

Think about that... if you are accepted onto my team you can retire
in the next 12 to 24 months.

Will you?  Well that's up to you...


If you weren't paying attention before,
STOP whatever you're doing and check this out...


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