"The present Human Race, occupying the Fifth Cycle of Evolution, is approaching the end of its course. A New Race, the Sixth Race, is about to emerge in its place.
This imminent change is perceived and heralded by many. Let us look to that coming Dawn when Man will awaken to the Realities of Eternal Existence and will see himself no longer as the Slave, but as the Master".
Congratulations! Your Inner Guidance Has Led You To The First And Greatest Law of Attraction Book Ever Written - The One That Can Change Your Life - Forever
Saturday, April 26, 2008.
Dear Seeker of Infinite Abundance, Health and Happiness,
Are you, like millions of others endeavoring to make use the great promise of Law of Attraction in the hope of manifesting infinite abundance, health and happiness?
Are you succeeding beyond your wildest dreams?
If so congratulations!
You probably will not need to read on to discover the sheer power of what follows.
Or are you still struggling to make the great promise of The Law of Attraction work for you?
The truth is there are literally millions just like you who now know about The Law of Attraction, at least to some extent, have read some of the popular books, but just can't seem to make it work no matter how hard they try.
But why is this exactly?
The Law of Attraction must be real surely?
After all - plenty of books have been written about it including many very well known books by highly respected and well known authors.
An extremely popular and very excellent movie was even made about The Secret of The Law of Attraction.
It is certainly true that some people have attracted great fortunes - many after watching the movie and/or reading the books.
It is also true that others have successfully attracted the life partner of their dreams.
Many have even successfully, almost overnight, healed serious illnesses - including supposedly "incurable diseases" such as "terminal cancer", giving rise to what doctors call a "miracle" healing.
But the truth is for every one of these successful people, there are a hundred, a thousand or maybe even ten thousand that experience either very limited success or often no success at all, often leaving them extremely unhappy and disillusioned, wondering why they are "different".
If you are one of those people I say to you don't worry.
It simply is not your fault!
You do indeed have the power and potential to succeed beyond your wildest dreams with The Law of Attraction.
The reason you have not yet succeeded so far is simple.....
The full knowledge about The Law of Attraction and other fundamental Universal Laws and how to make them really work have simply not yet been revealed to most people.
It isn't so much that this missing knowledge has been deliberately kept a closely guarded secret, but rather that these secrets have rather never been made widely known, only available by the few who were ready - until now.
You have been brought to this site by your inner guidance.
Nothing in this perfect Universe ever and I do mean ever happens by "chance".
The only decision you need to make using the freewill you possess as an aspect of God is whether to empower yourself and create the life you have been seeking, or to ignore it and continue with your life of more of the same.
However, it is also a fundamental truth that this powerful knowledge will only be revealed to you when you are ready.
You see - if you are not yet ready you may "see" this knowledge but will not be conscious of it.
By virtue of the fact you are here, and reading this opportunity presented to you from within means that you are ready to receive most probably the first and most powerful inner teachings on The Law of Attraction ever written.
So again - the only decision you need to make is whether to go with your inner guidance and move your life forward, or to disregard it and always be left wondering what might have been.
If you are still here congratulations!
Be prepared to discover the teachings of one of the very greatest books ever written by a Master and teacher of teachers by the name of The Baron Eugene Fersen.
Thanks to the almost lost writings of this great man you too can now finally possess all the knowledge you need in order to realize true success, while filling in those missing links that make the crucial difference between the greatest success and complete failure.
Many regular Law of Attraction books talk about "positive thinking", "visualization", "affirmations" and so on, and yes - these are absolutely fine - as far as they go.
But these alone will usually only bring temporary results even assuming they have worked at all for you.
If this is the case it is not because these approaches do not work in and of themselves - far from it - it is rather because without a fundamental prerequisite these other approaches are greatly weakened.
There is a much more fundamental requirement that this book will teach you from the outset that very few other books will ever teach you - because the authors probably did not even know these crucial factors even existed.
So just how good is this book?
In my view, for teaching The Law of Attraction and other associated crucial Universal Principles this book truly is wholly exceptional and unprecedented.
This is just one reason why I have committed so much of my own time, effort and expense to first locating these rare texts and then bringing it to you as a single book, so you too can finally realize the success you truly deserve.
I can most definitely say, without any doubt, over the last few decades I have seen many more Law of Attraction books than most, and even seen some really excellent ones that few other people have ever even heard of before.
I can honestly say I have encountered very few books with the power and importance of this particular one.
27 lessons and 692 pages of pure wisdom, truth and Light, including many practical, very powerful exercises followed by equally powerful questions and answer sessions, which together can change your life forever, and finally enable you to attract your every need, wish and desire with ease.
Plain and Simple - If you do not succeed with this book you never will succeed - this book is your key to success.
Of course this great book goes far beyond simply teaching The Law of Attraction. It teaches you about the very basis of life itself, how to make use of fundamental Universal Principles to attract and enjoy a life of infinite Health, Abundance and Happiness - naturally - just as the Universe always intended, and as is your birthright and heritage.
Now I am not going to convince or persuade you as to why you need this book - the truth is I simply don't need to.
If if I did need to persuade you then this book is most probably not for you yet anyway at this stage.
If this book is for you at this stage in your evolution you will know it, beyond doubt, otherwise best to wait until you are ready for this advanced knowledge.
Plain and simple - by the time you have read the following brief descriptions of each of the 27 powerful, profound and invaluable lessons, practical exercises, questions and vital, crucial answers you should know, beyond any doubt whether you are now ready for this level of knowledge.
You should know, beyond any doubt that this book finally is the missing link between you and infinite success.
You should know, beyond any doubt, whether this book will help to prepare you for the 6th race of humanity.
But once again I must repeat this very serious warning:
This book is most definitely not for everyone and neither was it intended to be.
This is why relatively few had access to it originally.
So with that caveat, if you still feel, intuitively, from deep within, that this book really is for you, then read on and learn how this book can change your life forever over the course of 27 powerful, valuable, unique lessons, exercises, questions and answers, spanning 692 full and professionally formatted pages of book sized text, with no big white spaces or other "fillers" - pure end to end valuable, crucial teachings, exercises and knowledge.
Here again are the concluding words of the author which I personally know beyond doubt to be absolutely true, and which should feel intuitively true to everyone:
"The present Human Race, occupying the Fifth Cycle of Evolution, is approaching the end of its course. A New Race, the Sixth Race, is about to emerge in its place.
This imminent change is perceived and heralded by many. Let us, through these closing pages, look to that coming Dawn when Man will awaken to the Realities of Eternal Existence and will see himself no longer as the Slave, but as the Master". -- The Baron Eugene A. Fersen.
Plain and simple there will only be two types of individual in the next few years - those who understand these realities and take action to progress during this great, Divine opportunity, and those who do not.
But this is the profound truth - learning the lessons to prepare you for the Sixth Race of Humanity will also enable you to realize the life of your dreams Today.
So which will you be?
Which do you want to be?
Will you be the slave or will you be the Master?
If you wish to be the Master then read on.....
Summary Of Your Twenty Seven Lessons
Here is a very brief summary of the powerful, invaluable and life-changing lessons you will learn in this book:
Lesson One - Fundamentals of Being
Lesson Two - Universal Life Flow
Lesson Three - Secrets of Success
Lesson Four - Perfect Physical Body
Lesson Five - Motivation and Achievement
Lesson Six - Achieving Business Success
Lesson Seven - Students and Teachers
Lesson Eight - How to Resolve Poverty
Lesson Nine - How to Overcome Ageing
Lesson Ten - The Mental Plane
Lesson Eleven - Subconsciousness
Lesson Twelve - Selfconsciousness
Lesson Thirteen - Character Reading and Thought Reading
Lesson Fourteen - Success
Lesson Fifteen - Creative Thought
Lesson Sixteen - Money
Lesson Seventeen - Healing and Health
Lesson Eighteen - Superconsciousness and The Cosmic Mind
Lesson Nineteen - The Soul
Lesson Twenty - Body and Soul
Lesson Twenty One - True Self and Science of Manifestation
Lesson Twenty Two - Personality
Lesson Twenty Three - Universal Life Energy and Soul Ray
Lesson Twenty Four - Affinity of Souls
Lesson Twenty Five - The Power of Love
Lesson Twenty Six - Five Statements of Being
Lesson Twenty Seven - Science of Being Conclusion
Are you still absolutely sure that you are ready for this?
Does you inner guidance still resonate with this profound knowledge?
Good - then let us begin.....
Lesson One - Fundamentals of Being
This first lesson, right from the very outset teaches the fundamentals needed for complete, long-term success.
Without this all of your efforts will be diluted or even wasted.
Here is one of the opening paragraphs to the first crucial lesson:
"There is an infinite supply of Power around you. All you need to do is to learn how to draw upon it and how to use it in every department of your daily life. This Power is the Life Energy of the Universe, the Foundation and Apex of all Existence, the First and most Sublime Manifestation of our Great Mother, Nature Herself. It is that which always was, is, and always will be, changeless as Fundamental Power yet variable in Its Infinite manifestations, Eternal through Time, Infinite through Space with its Center always there where you contact It—underlying, pervading, governing, sustaining and encompassing everything".
This lesson concludes with two fundamental exercises to be acquired by you first - RELAXATION and SILENCE - without which no other exercise can be properly performed. Only when the body and mind are completely relaxed can you get what is called a real rest, for only then are you in the most ideally receptive condition. All the gates of your body and mind are then opened to the inflow of that supreme Universal Power called Life Energy.
These are the questions that are answered at the end of Lesson One:
1. What are the fundamental Principles of Being?
2. What are Forces of the Universe?
3. What are the Laws which govern them?
4. What is Universal Life Energy and where is it to be found?
5. What are its main aspects?
6. Explain vibrations.
7. What are electrons?
8. What is Matter?
9. What is Man?
10. What is Man's relation to Nature and to Universal Forces and Laws?
11. What is Disharmony?
12. How can it be removed?
Lesson Two - Universal Life Flow
This lesson starts to deal with one of the absolutely crucial secrets to success, and the one that the vast majority of Law of Attraction books leave out:
How to contact and secure a constant flow of Universal Life Energy.
Without knowing this most most of your efforts are wasted as you may well have discovered by now.
Failure to understand, assimilate and engage in this lesson is a primary reason for failure to achieve all wishes, needs and desires.
It is absolutely impossible to over-state the crucial importance of this lesson during which a very, very powerful and simple exercise that anyone can easily do is introduced, a simple exercise taking only a few minutes but which will, in and of itself make a profound difference in your life and ability to attract and express.
These are the questions that are answered at the end of Lesson Two:
1. What are the methods of contacting Universal Life Energy?
2. What is the role of the Life Centre in connection with Universal Life Energy?
3. What is the role of the Solar Plexus?
4. What are the advantages of the Mental Contact?
5. In what way is the Mental Contact limited?
6. What are the advantages of the Physical Contact through the Star Exercise?
7. Are there any other means of physically contacting Universal Life Energy?
8. What is the best mental attitude to take during the Mental Contact and the Star Exercise?
9. How can one grow stronger in Body, Mind, and Soul by working?
10. Do animals contact and use Universal Life Energy for their daily needs?
11. What is the quickest way to develop man's latent powers?
12. Why does Universal Life Energy establish equilibrium within?
Lesson Three - Secrets of Success
This lesson takes a look at some of the success of the greatest members of humanity, and how they applied these powerful Universal forces and Principles to achieve their own success.
If you wish to succeed, then you will definitely need to take note of these powerful examples of people that truly understood the need to apply these crucial Universal Principles in order to achieve great success.
Here are the questions to which answers are provided at the end of Lesson Three:
1. To what basic cause must be attributed the achievements of great men and women of all time?
2. Were they conscious of that cause?
3. If any were, name several.
4. How far back in human history can the use of Universal Life Energy be traced?
5. Was this knowledge of how to use Universal Life Energy general or was it restricted to- a few individuals?
6. If restricted, why was it not made general?
7. What has been the effect on nations of the capacity of its leaders to use Universal Life Energy?
8. Was this knowledge limited to any particular countries, religions, philosophies or sciences?
9. In what human activities is the use of this Power impossible?
10. Will the use of this Power in modern times lead people to Success?
11. Has the success of prominent people ever been easily attained?
12. What is the simplest and most practical way to rise to prominence?
Lesson Four - Perfect Physical Body
This lesson begins to explain the secrets of the physical body in relation to our inner and physical states of Being.
If you are seeking perfect health and a perfect body, this lesson will begin to show you how.
In this lesson you will discover the true secrets of attaining the perfect body that you have always longed for but not yet achieved, no matter what you do.
Lesson Four also introduces an important new exercise.
In addition to the Exercises given to you in the previous lessons—the Star Exercise, Relaxation, Silence and Contact—there is a new Exercise, STIMULATION.
The object of this new Exercise is to teach you to use nerves, to contact Universal Life Energy, and by the reaction of Universal Life Energy in its stimulation of all cells and tissues, to make those wireless stations function ever more strongly. This Exercise will help you also a great deal in in the work of harmonization of your physical body.
This knowledge is crucial for success, especially for healing and health.
Here are the questions that are answered at the end of Lesson Four:
1. What does the physical body as a whole represent?
2. What are the Forces and Laws back of physical development?
3. What is the best way to acquire a strong and healthy physical body?
4. In what way has Nature equipped the body for contacting Universal Life Energy?
5. What Centre within the body exercises the greatest power of attraction for Universal Life Energy?
6. Why does Universal Life Energy not flow continually into the body of every one?
7. On what does the general well being, strength and harmony of the body depend?
8. What essential qualities must one cultivate in order to build a harmonious body?
9. What are the two ways of bringing out the latent qualities of one's Individuality?
10. Is old age an impediment to the harmonization of the physical body?
11. What diet produces the most desirable results in the human body?
12. What mental attitude must be observed in performing physical exercises if benefit is to be derived from them?
Lesson 5 - Motivation and Achievement
This lesson deals with the reasons and solutions for lethargy, lack of motivation and achievement, resulting from a poor contact with Universal Life Energy.
If you have been feeling lethargic, or a lack of motivation or "going nowhere fast", this lesson will be of enormous benefit, and anyway is absolutely fundamental for complete success.
These are the questions that are answered at the end of Lesson Five:
1. What common difficulty encountered in the performance of one's daily duties can be eliminated by the use of Universal Life Energy?
2. How are those duties most easily and efficiently performed?
3. Is it possible to work without getting tired?
4. What specifically will be the effects of the use of Universal Life Energy on the human body?
5. How may it be used on the farm?
6. In what way does the cause of diseases differ in animal and plant life?
7. What different ways are there of treating animal and plant life with Universal Life Energy?
8. What way is most efficient, and why?
9. Is the procedure always the same?
10. What effect does distance have on the sending of Universal Life Energy?
11. In what other very important respect can Universal Life Energy be of benefit to the farmer?
12. What advantages are derived from the use of Universal Life Energy in factory work?
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Lesson Six - Achieving Business Success
This lesson describes how these crucial Universal Principles relate to business and business success, and the consequences to your business and therefore your wealth of not applying these Principles.
If you manage your own business, or are considering doing so, this Lesson will prove to be absolutely invaluable.
Here are the questions that are answered at the end of Lesson Six:
1. What essential element in business training do commercial schools and teachers of business psychology fail to provide?
2. What qualities neglected in the teaching of the theories of business are necessary to achieve success?
3. How can they be developed?
4. Why is the application of theories to actual conditions so often a failure?
5. What are the main difficulties encountered by salesmen in approaching a prospect?
6. How can those difficulties best be overcome?
7. How can a salesman render his articles more attractive?
8. What two important points are to be observed in business and salesmanship?
9. Explain how the attempted misuse of Universal Life Energy reacts against the offender.
10. What main advantage is derived from the use of Universal Life Energy in business and salesmanship?
11. What results will an employer achieve by using Universal Life Energy in his relation with employees?
12. How does Universal Life Energy operate to attract customers, decrease wastage and facilitate business?
Lesson Seven - Students and Teachers
This lesson addresses the many issues faced by students and teachers in the context of Universal Principles, and how they can be resolved and improved.
This lesson also adds a valuable new exercise called INVIGORATION- another crucial element of Success.
Here are the questions that are answered at the end of this lesson:
1. What is the general complaint of educators today?
2. Is this complaint justified, and if so to what must the fault be attributed?
3. Why is it that most teachers are not producing the desired results with their students?
4. What is the reaction of other minds to a mind permeated with Universal Life Energy?
5. What is usually the cause of mental deficiency?
6. How can mentally sluggish and backward children be restored to normal?
7. To what are exhibitions of temper and perversity in children due?
8. How should they be handled?
9. What practical results will teachers obtain for themselves by using Universal Life Energy in their work?
10. What advantage will students derive from using Universal Life Energy in their studies?
11. In what way is the use of Universal Life Energy in sports and athletics particularly effective in securing the desired results?
12. What is the most important practical knowledge for a coach to possess?
Lesson Eight - How to Resolve Poverty
This lesson deals with the subjects of poverty and lack, their causes and how to deal with them effectively using fundamental Universal Principles.
If you are currently experiencing lack, or even living in conditions known as "poverty", then this lesson will help you enormously.
Here are the questions that are answered at the end of this Lesson:
1. What is the fundamental Cause of Poverty?
2. How does this Cause express Itself?
3. How can it be overcome?
4. What are the physical channels through which the qualities of the individual are expressed?
5. What determines the degree to which those qualities are manifested?
6. How does the original undifferentiated current of Universal Life Energy become differentiated in the individual?
7. What role does environment play in the development of a child, especially in relation to its financial brain center?
8. To what three immediate causes may the inability of any brain center to function be due?
9. Why are purely mental methods for overcoming Poverty inadequate?
10. How can Abundance be most successfully demonstrated?
11. What attitude in giving prevents the operation of the Law of Compensation?
12. What is the understanding of Money essential for true giving?
Lesson Nine - How to Overcome Aging
This lesson addresses the issue of aging and "old age", what causes it and how to slow or even stop it.
For anyone in advancing years or who wishes to remain young in body, Soul and Spirit, this is a crucially important Lesson.
The process known as "aging" is not inevitable. Learn how to deal with aging once and for all as well as to regain your youth.
Aging is not inevitable - learn why and how to control aging in this powerful chapter.
This Lesson also introduces a powerful new Exercise - REJUVENATION
Here are the very important questions you will receive the answers to at the end of this Lesson:
1. What is Health?
2. How is it related to the progress of Humanity?
3. What is the keystone of Health?
4. To what specific bodily condition are most physical troubles due?
5. How can those troubles be eliminated?
6. Should will power be used in that elimination?
7. What is Magnetic Chemicalization?
8. What is Old Age?
9. What kinds of causes are responsible for Old Age?
10. To what fundamental cause can all others be traced?
11. To what part of our triune nature is Old Age restricted?
12. How can Old Age be overcome?
Lesson Ten - The Mental Plane
This lesson teaches you about the crucial importance of the Mental Plane of Life, how it benefits you and how to connect and also introduces the extremely important and crucial aspect of Mind called Subconsciousness.
Learn why the term Subconsciousness is more correct than "Subconscious Mind".
This lesson also adds two very powerful and valuable new exercises - ATTENTION and CONCENTRATION.
Here are the questions which are answered at the end or Lesson Ten:
1. What and where is Universal Mind?
2. What is Cosmic Consciousness?
3. What is the individual mind?
4. How does the single individual mind express itself?
5. What is Superconsciousness?
6. What is Self-consciousness?
7. What is Subconsciousness?
8. What are the physical organs respectively through which these three aspects of Mind express themselves?
9. Where do ideas originate and how are they conveyed into our Consciousness?
10. What is thought?
11. What is Attention?
12. What is Mental Concentration?
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Lesson Eleven - Subconsiousness
This less expands on the crucially important subject of SUBCONSCIOUSNESS and reveals facts of what is known as the Subconscious Mind.
This lesson also introduces another importance exercise called FERTILIZATION which teaches you how to communicate properly and effectively with the sphere of activity of Mind known as Subconsciousness.
Here are the questions that are answered at the end of this Lesson:
1. What is Subconsciousness?
2. How did it originate?
3. What two distinctive qualities does it possess?
4. How does Subconsciousness react with the Conscious Self?
5. What are the qualities and limitations of the Subconsciousness?
6. In what respect is it dangerous to the individual?
7. How can Subconsciousness be consciously controlled?
8. What are the two methods for purifying Subconsciousness?
9. Which of these methods is limited, and why?
10. How do Negation and Realization operate on the Mental Plane?
11. Should any definite sequence be observed in the application of the two methods of purifying Subconsciousness, and why?
12. What is the method and the result of Fertilization of the Subconsciousness?
Lesson Twelve - Selfconsciousness
This lesson teaches another important aspect or quality of consciousness - Selfconsciousness.
This has nothing to do with being "self conscious" in the normal meaning of the phrase, but rather being conscious of Self which is very important for further progress.
A further extremely powerful and useful exercise is introduced in this Lesson: THOUGHT PROJECTION
Here are the questions that are answered at the end of this Lesson:
1. What is Selfconsciousness?
2. What are its distinctive qualities?
3. To what extent are we conscious of all the thoughts and impressions we receive?
4. What is Reason?
5. What is Common Sense?
6. What is Self Analysis?
7. What is Evil?
8. What is Fear, its causes and effects?
9. How can Fear be eliminated?
10. What relation do the conscious faculties bear to Fear?
11. Define Will Power and its development.
12. What is liberated thought?
Lesson Thirteen - Character Reading and Thought Reading
This lesson introduces some very important Principles and lessons on the subjects of Character Reading and Thought Reading. Included in these important subjects are FORESIGHT and INSIGHT.
This lesson also introduces a new and valuable exercise - OBSERVATION.
Here are the questions that are answered at the end of this lesson:
1. What is Character Reading?
2. To what extent is the body an accurate indication of the character within it?
3. Is the character subject to physical limitations?
4. What role does Universal Life Energy play in Character Reading?
5. What attitude is necessary in order to read other people's character?
6. How can one read the thoughts of others?
7. What are Insight and Foresight?
8. How can they be developed?
9. What is Self Reliance and how can it be developed?
10. What is Truth?
11. What it its practical value?
12. How can it be developed?
Lesson Fourteen - Success
Here is what the author says at the beginning of this lesson:
"SUCCESS—what a magic word! How appealing to everyone! In its syllables are caught the hopes, dreams and ambitions of all the World. To attain it means to overcome obstacles. To possess it means Mastery, Power".
This lesson goes on to show you how true, enduring success can be achieved. If you have always wished for success but not yet achieved it, this lesson will show you the way.
If you have longed for Success and have not yet achieved it, or wish to build on your current success then this is a very important lesson for you to learn.
A further powerful exercise is also added - REALIZATION
Here are the questions that are answered at the end of this chapter:
1. What is Success?
2. Is it restricted to any special department of life or activities?
3. What purpose is served by the obstacles in the way of its realization?
4. What are the two natural Laws most intimately related with Success or Failure?
5. How can the individual perceive and take advantage of these Laws?
6. What exceptional advantage does a knowledge of these Laws confer in the business and financial world?
7. What is the Law of Cause and Effect?
8. Is the theory of Predestination correct?
9. Can man build his own Destiny?
10. Is there such a thing as blind Chance?
11. How can the negative aspects of all the above three Laws be avoided?
12. What two human qualities are essential to achieve Success?
Lesson Fifteen - Creative Thought
This is an extremely important lesson for The Law of Attraction, and one that you my well already be familiar with from other books and resources - Creative Thought.
Creative Thought is a absolutely fundamental to success - but must be done correctly.
The end of this lesson introduces a valuable new exercise - VISUALIZATION.
You will undoubtedly heard of Visualization before. What you may not have discovered before is how to learn visualization correctly and effectively.
Here are the questions that are answered at the end of this lesson:
1. What is Creative Thought?
2. How is Concentrated Thought made Creative?
3. On what does the measure of any individual's Success largely depend?
4. Are Progress and Achievement products of the Creative Thought alone?
5. What is the medium through which the Creative Thought actually embodies itself in material expression.
6. What important advantage results from the proper cooperation between Mind and Body?
7. What is the cause of Timidity, Indecision and Procrastination?
8. How can they be eliminated?
9. What is Suggestion in its various aspects?
10. What is its main effect upon the individual?
11. Are Affirmations effective in curing negative conditions?
12. How can mental qualities be best developed?
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Lesson Sixteen - Money
In this lesson you will be introduced to the true meaning and significance of money and the factors that attract or repels it.
Money is one of those things that many if not most people deeply desire, but very few truly attract in quantity.
If you ever wondered about how to really attract money, then this lesson is where you will learn.
After this lesson you will be introduced to a new exercise in the context of Money - MATERIALIZATION
Here are the questions that will be answered at the end of this lesson:
1. What is Money?
2. How can it be acquired?
3. What is the Law of Compensation?
4. Through what channel in the individual does it operate?
5. On what initial activity is the ability to make Money conditioned?
6. What two negative influences are mainly responsible for neutralizing this activity, and how do they act upon it?
7. Define true Giving.
8. What fundamental cause of Poverty can be avoided by conforming to the Law of Compensation?
9. Explain the "evil power" of Money.
10. How should Money be regarded by the individual?
11. What is the crowning heritage that a rich man should impart to his children?
12. What fundamental Power determines the scope of all the activities described in this Lesson?
Lesson Seventeen - Healing and Health
This is another extremely valuable lesson which will no doubt be of great importance to many people - Healing and Health.
In this lesson you will learn all the factors that relate to healing and health, and how to use the power of the Mind in the correct way in order to achieve them.
If you experience any ailments that you would like to heal, or simply desire perfect health always - this lesson will show you the way.
You will also be introduced to an important new exercise - INVIGORATION
Here are the questions for which there are answers at the end of this lesson:
1. What significant change is now taking place in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases?
2. What is the relation of Mind to the material Body?
3. How can physical disharmonies of any sort be eliminated?
4. What is the danger of entertaining unkind or destructive thoughts?
5. How are physical troubles classified in relation to Mind?
6. What is the chief obstacle to overcome in healing all troubles?
7. What is the treatment whose application in various ways is most effective in correcting ill health?
8. Describe briefly the principle of mental diagnosis of diseases.
9. Can Will Power, in the form of Suggestion or any other way, cure diseases permanently?
10. In what respects are absent treatments superior to present ones?
11. What does mental self-protection accomplish for the individual?
12. What is Mental Chemicalization?
Lesson Eighteen - Superconsciousness and The Cosmic Mind
This is the last but by no means least lesson dedicated to that aspect of our Triune Being collectively known as Mind.
Here you will commence your journey beyond the outer levels of Consciousness to attain the highest level, the Superconsiousness of Cosmic Mind and Inspiration.
This lesson introduces another very important exercise - POLARIZATION.
Here are the questions that will be answered at the end of this lesson:
1. What is Cosmic Mind?
2. How is it distinguished from Subconsciousness?
3. Through what channels, mental and physical, is it connected with Consciousness?
4. What Law is put into operation in contacting Cosmic Mind?
5. What condition must prevail in the individual to enable that Law to function?
6. What is Intuition?
7. Define its relation to Reason.
8. What is the EVER PRESENT NOW?
9. Of what value is the Past?
10. What is the danger of the Future?
11. How are Power and Greatness achieved?
12. How is it possible to become a MASTER MIND?
Lesson Nineteen - The Soul
In this lesson we progress to the third and final aspects of our Triune Being - The Soul the foundation of our personality and current physical existence.
At the end of this lesson follows an extremely important exercise - MEDITATION.
Meditation is an extremely valuable ability that everyone, without exception needs to learn and commit to. This lesson will show you how.
Here you will also learn about the state known as "death" and how it may be eliminated.
Here are the questions that are answered at the end of this lesson:
1. From what point of view has the Soul generally been regarded?
2. Why has this explanation failed?
3. What perceptible proofs of the Soul's existence and qualities exist in the human individual?
4. Define the Human Soul.
5. Is the possession of a Soul restricted to human beings?
6. What position does the Soul of Man occupy in relation to the rest of Nature?
7. What differentiates the Human Soul from all others?
8. In what respects does Universal Brotherhood become apparent?
9. What purpose does the Soul represent in Material Existence?
10. What is Death?
11. What is the Natural Law governing all Life?
12. How will Death eventually be eliminated?
Lesson Twenty - Body and Soul
As with previous lessons, this is another crucially important lesson to learn and understand - the relationship between the Soul and its corresponding physical body.
Know Thyself and Thou Shalt Know All
The conclusion of this lesson brings a further important exercise to add to the preceding ones - EXTERIORIZATION.
Here are the questions that will be answered at the end of this lesson:
1. What is necessary to develop the stronger physical expression of Soul qualities?
2. Where is this to be found?
3. Why do people often shrink from meeting problems that confront them?
4. Will you ever encounter a problem that you have not the possibility to solve?
5. Of what does Progress consist?
6. Of what importance in the development of secondary qualities are the Four Fundamental Qualities of Life, Mind, Law (Truth) and Love?
7. What purpose does Superconsciousness serve in this process?
8. What is Incarnation?
9. What determines the sort of Soul to be born to prospective parents?
10. How are the Male and Female Principles in your Soul indicated in your physical Body?
11. How can the physical Body be modified in form and outline?
12. What dominant Purpose is suggested by the general arrangement of the Body organs?
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Lesson Twenty One - Your True Self and the Science of Manifestation
In this lesson you will be introduced to your true Self - that aspect of self that transcends mere materialism.
You will learn how to fashion your Personality in order that it can become a true vehicle and expression of Being for your inner, eternal Individuality, and thereby learn the true secrets of realizing your needs, wishes and desires in the physical world.
The exercise you will learn after this lesson is both extremely important and equally misunderstood - MANIFESTATION.
Finally discover the true Science of Manifestation and how everything you have learned to date is probably wrong.
Here are the questions that will be answered at the end of this lesson:
1. What is Individuality?
2. In what vital respects does it differ from Personality?
3. How can Individuality be best developed into expression?
4. What is the essential first step in seeking out the right environment for your Individuality?
5. How is self Knowledge to be acquired?
6. How can the example of great men help others to bring out their Individuality?
7. How is the value of the position occupied by any individual determined?
8. Of what does 'Independence consist?
9. When will the ideal of real Brotherhood between men and nations be possible of achievement?
10. What is the purpose served by Standardization in relation to Individualization?
11. What is Freedom?
12. How can Freedom be obtained?
Lesson Twenty Two - Personality
This lesson brings to you teachings on that aspect of your life on Earth - Personality - who you Are.
Lesson Twenty Two brings another very powerful and important exercise - MAGNETIZATION.
The purpose of MAGNETIZATION is to attract, by the exertion through your intrinsic qualities of a sufficient Force, the elements for their material expression and realization.
Here are the questions that will be answered at the end of this lesson:
1. What is Personality?
2. How is Personality related to Individuality?
3. What practical results are obtained by adapting Personality to Individuality?
4. Where should this re-adjustment start?
5. What relative importance do material surroundings bear to this process?
6. What are the distinctive attributes of a real Gentleman?
7. What qualities must Women develop in order to attain equality with Men?
8. What qualities must be cultivated by Men in order not to be outstripped by Women?
9. In what vitally important respect does the use of Universal Life Energy help reconstruct your Personality?
10. What are the distinguishing features of a well balanced Personality?
11. To what single vital Fundamental do all the varied activities of human life finally reduce?
12. Define Leadership in its relation to the Law of Evolution and ultimate end toward which it tends.
Lesson Twenty Three - Review of Universal Life Energy and the Soul Ray
In this lesson you will find a review of the most important lessons on Universal Life Energy and significance to you and the Soul Ray.
At the conclusion of this exercise you will also be given a further valuable exercise - PURIFICATION.
Here are the questions that will be answered at the end of this lesson:
1. What is the Soul Ray?
2. How can it be contacted?
3. In what way does the Soul Ray serve to test your harmonious development of character?
4. What is the advantage in starting at the bottom and working up to positions of greater power and responsibilities?
5. In what way is the individual responsible for any negative conditions he may experience?
6. Why is it unwise to rely wholly on others to cure negative conditions in yourself?
7. What is the great drawback to exaggerated development on any one of the Three Planes?
8. Where are the original Causes of all discord you may suffer to be found?
9. How can evil passions be eliminated?
10. What may be the effect on you while the Negative in you is being expelled?
11. What fundamental difference identifies Good from Evil?
12. How does Knowledge of that difference profit you in living your own life?
Lesson Twenty Four - Affinity of Souls
In this lesson you will learn about Affinity of Souls - how you attract others and how others become attracted to you.
If you wish to attract others to you this lesson will teach you how.
At the conclusion of this lesson you will also learn the next very valuable exercise - UNIFICATION
Here are the lesson you will learn at the end of this lesson:
1. What is the explanation of sudden instinctive likes and dislikes for other individuals?
2. Are they necessarily restricted to your present Human Existence?
3. What Law is manifested through a liking for another individual?
4. How can that Law be observed toward one who arouses your hatred?
5. Why are modern marriages so frequently unsuccessful?
6. What are the two dominant natural motives behind Marriage?
7. Why can they be realized only if two individuals are properly mated?
8. How can Universal Life Energy be used to discover the right mate?
9. How can disharmony be eliminated from married life?
10. What determines the kind of child that will be born to prospective parents?
11. Explain the importance of parents' attitude during the few moments of their Physical Union?
12. How may bad characteristics of children be transmuted into good qualities?
Lesson Twenty Five - The Power of Love
The Power of Love, especially Unconditional Love is an extremely important aspect of Universal Life Energy, and one that is fundamental to the very existence of All Creation, and without which nothing could exist for a single moment.
Learn all about True Love and what it means to you.
At the conclusion of this lesson you will receive an exercise on the subject of HARMONIZATION.
Here are the questions that will be answered at the conclusion of this lesson:
1. What place does Love occupy in the Universe?
2. To what extent does it enter into the activities of Human Beings?
3. Of what practical advantage is Love in Business?
4. How is Love distinguished from weak Sentimentality?
5. Can Love and Discipline be reconciled in the rearing of children?
6. In what way are you directly responsible for the good or bad traits your children develop?
7. How will you profit from the exercise of Love in all your relations with the World at large?
8. What relation do the Negative Passions bear to Love?
9. How can they be eliminated?
10. What responsibility must you fulfil in order to attract the friends and the Life Companion you desire?
11. What part does Love play in physical Rejuvenation?
12. What, briefly, is the scientific explanation of Love?
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Lesson Twenty Six - Five Statements of Being
This lesson describes in detail the five fundamentals for living a healthy, happy and productive life at all Triune states of Being.
And the end of this lesson is also a further powerful and important exercise - LIBERATION
The object of this exercise is to establish in the individual perfect harmony in all Triune states of Being, thereby in turn establishing harmony with Universal Life Energy.
These are the questions that are answered at the end of this lesson:
1. What relation does your Triune Human Nature bear to your own Soul?
2. How is Equilibrium to be achieved?
3. Define Beauty?
4. What role does Beauty play in the development of your Triune Nature?
5. Where do you look to obtain knowledge of your Universal Source?
6. Why are there exactly Five Statements of Being?
7. What is the Source of your life and the life of everything?
8. From what are all individual intelligences derived?
9. Define Law and its origin.
10. What is Love?
11. What is your relation to the Universe?
12. What single all-important Lesson is reiterated by each member of your human trinity, Body, Mind and Soul?
Lesson Twenty Seven - Science of Being Conclusion
This final lesson concludes the Science of Being course by summarizing all you have learnt, and what the next phase of evolution will bring for humanity - a phase that you can now be part of as we leave the Fifth Race of Humanity and enter the Sixth Race of Humanity - a process you will wish to participate in.
By the time you conclude this lesson you will have learned many secrets to success both with The Law of Attraction, and in Life.
By now you will have learned all you need to know to truly live in Happiness, Health and Abundance as well as fulfilling your own true destiny as we experience the transition of the ages from the Fifth to the Sixth cycle of the Human Race and how you can best participate in this process.
You final exercise, again an extremely important one is SPIRITUALIZATION.
This exercise will culminate in a sense wordless HAPPINESS, PEACE and STRENGTH.
Here are your final lessons at the conclusion of this lesson and course in Science of Being:
1. What is the motive responsible for the agitation and unrest among the people of today.
2. What movement most vividly illustrates this motive?
3. What is the deeper significance of the conflict between the sexes?
4. Why have women until now been held in a subordinate position by men?
5. How are women proceeding to do away with this distinction?
6. What will be the result if men fail to make the proper countermove?
7. What is the proper counter-move?
8. What is the difference between Refinement and Effeminacy?
9. Explain the alarming increase in Evil today.
10. How does modern Humanity contrast with the Humanity of the Past?
11. What infallible recourse have you amid the trying times in prospect?
12. Has your study of this Course carried to you a sincere conviction of your duty to others with reference to it?
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This concludes the description of what you will discover, learn and practice in Science of Being in Twenty Seven Lessons, and how it will, if you follow all the powerful lessons change your life forever, as well as help prepare you for the next, Sixth Race of the Human Being.
I am certain that by now, if you are ready for this level of learning, you will already know, beyond any doubt how this powerful series of twenty seven lessons will make a profound difference and change for the better in your life at a time when you most need it.
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Finally we wish you very success, in Peace, Light and Truth on your path as we experience the Transition of the Ages to the Sixth Cycle of Human Beings together.
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